city of the spider queen 5e conversion

He maintains a secret shrine in SzithD Dordrien Crypts Y Yrthak Cavern Morcane. D Larala Dumian: hp 78, see page 135. S15. the western alcove when the charactersIn total, the sacks hold 14 pp, 335 gp, enter. Eachhaste, then tries to trap the party in a web. remain on the corpses. The details are likelyto be more accurate if the informant is charmed. Like this book? made to detect magical sensors) takes a 4 penalty The effects of faerzress apply to Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the ad- because of the interference of faerzress with venture. Larala is not entirely sane; in fact, she displays considerable paranoia. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. It has 50% concealment within its nest. Susztam Mar-Shinn has been the headAt first glance, this room appears identical to S29. corpses. The other sentry waits for the first sentryto return, then (in the third round) begins his climb down If the characters kill the sentries in D15 of the Dordrienthe web to notify the priestesses on the House Morcane level. items stored here have been burned. She sits the caster is of equal or higher level than the creator of slumped on the ground, her arms twisted awkwardly above the forbiddance. This group re-pare an ambush. Each turning check made to turn undead takes a 4 profane penalty, and each one made to Trap: Each spellbook is warded with a fire trap. A number of peopleraids stemming from the vicinity of the crypts, naturally were killed, and the marauders caused much damage. tagonal room. See, for me that's a feature and teaches the valuable lesson of "Run Away!" This effect is subject to spell resistance. in the wake of Lolths sudden silence. Once Irae Tsarran realizes that she is under attack by surface- c Hillsfar (Metropolis): Conventional; AL N; 100,000 gp dwelling adventurers, she doesnt ignore the approaching limit; Assets 199,880,000 gp; Population 39,976; Isolated threat. (Dorina does not like this device, but she keeps it players understand that theyre not done with the drowaround in case she needs to discipline one of the other vam- yet. Several NPCs in this adventure have pres- Led by the fearsome half-fiend fire giant Kurgoth Hellspawn, thetige classes that are detailed in other books. He is ruggedly handsome, though not es- 20 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29.pecially muscular, and he wears a large gold hoop in his leftear. Do I increase/reduce the number of enemies that PCs should face in each encounter? Distance is no longer a constraint once characters reach a certain level of power and affluence. The officers rouse the off-duty sentries in S8 and S11 canes guard force.and the spellguard in S9, then all of them hurry to S5. They view a A short tunnel leads from the chasm inward, ending in anband of ignorant surface-dwellers as a walking feast wrapped up archway that opens into a larger treasure, so they gather in a surly crowd and prepare to attackcharacters who force their way into the slave enclosure. With a successful Search check (DC 18), a character chain of rugged hills stretches away to the south and the can read the name Chahir, written in the Thorass script still eastthe Dagger Hills. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. Tactics: Dorina trusts that the greater glyph of warding on Motherthe door and the permanent image will keep intruders busy 41Part 1Irae Tsarran dispatches summoned demons to carry messages incompetence (in the drow history) led to the human tri-back and forth to Dorina on a regular basis, and this letter is umph in the dale. Here are some things that are "free" for a CR 1/4 monster: Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News,, Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e Monsters to 5e (Revisited), An Occurrence at Howling Crater Compatible for DCC, MCC & 5E: An Interview With Levi Combs (Planet X Games). Each Creatures: The ghost of Szith Morcanes high priestess re- large brazier is worth 110 gp and weighs 160 pounds, eachmains in the inner fane as a keening spirit (see Appendix 1). Doors: The doors in Szith Morcane are stone. gaunt drow woman draped casually across it. Itstands in the middle of the arcane diagram on the floor. Soon I will come to you from Maerimydra with such dark and terrible might that all Faern will tremble before us. Id heard that your company was passingMorcane had lost their spells as those in Maerimydra had, and through the area, and you have a reputation as courageousif so, to usurp control of the entire colony. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. Her initial attitude is indifferent, though that quickly shifts to unfriendly if the characters head straight to her backpack and start looting. Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy. These caves provide shelter forabove the floor. 18 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29. ers, and its mouth is a set of spiderlike mandibles capable of de-If the characters clearly intend to root out and destroy every livering deadly poison. If From the second fork to Vournoths Mire: 35 miles (oryou wish to customize this adventure by adding your own en-trances, you could easily create dungeons beneath Old Skull or from the second fork to the Yrthak Cavern: 40 miles).Hap Hill. Then they tore apart the cupboards and set up elements; 3rdbestow curse, deeper darkness, invisibility purge,these coffins as resting places for the three guards who became magic circle against good*.vampires (the two posted in S39 plus the one in S41). Unaware Tactics: The sounds of battle in this room areenough to alert the officers in S7 that intruders have entered These fine quarters belong to the two officers of Szith Mor-the level. Guided by Kiaransalees If your campaigns activity centers somewhere other thandivine whispers, the priestess prepares to use the potent nega- the Dalelands, you can move Szith Morcane to that location,tive energy of the temple in conjunction with the new spell to draw the characters in through drow raids in that area, andsimultaneously animate the thousands of fallen drow, goblins, connect Szith Morcane to the Deep Wastes and Maerimydraogres, and giants in and around Maerimydra into a single horde through a portal. The other aranea remains in hu- D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 19 (43 temporary); seemanoid form, first drawing the characters into the cave with page 133.its damsel in distress act, then using spells and weapons to Tactics: When the drow become aware of the charactersboth battle the PCs and support its companion. Every creature 1st- and 2nd-level spells (with twelve pages to spare), another within the House Morcane level gets a +2 deflection bonus to holds all his 3rd-level spells plus enervation and ice storm (with AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves against attacks made by twelve pages to spare), and the third holds all his 4th-level good creatures. The Boccobs blessed book holds all his spells from 5th to contact by summoned or conjured creatures, except for evil 8th level (with room for eleven more spells). One of the D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 16 (40 temporary); see sentries from this room is assigned to S5; the other four havepage 133. joined the web team in S2. You may use an action to transform back at any time. clench as if it cant wait to pound something with them. Below the old human crypts. in D1 over the years, and hes taken a fair bit of loot from his victims. The revenant template in Appendix 1 originally appeared in Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern by Rob Heinsoo and James Wyatt. It goes to great lengths to reach dying characters corridor bends away. A few such individuals carry on a smallbefore coming here, and they are completely loyal to her and bit of trade between Maerimydras outposts and the drowto Kiaransalee. After ob-outfit weighs 5 pounds and is worth 20 gp but is covered with serving the spells the characters are using (particularly anysinister spider designs. The chest contains a few Tactics: If the players attack the nycaloth, it invokes itssets of clothing (all the same gray and black shades, except for deeper darkness power and looks for an opportunity toa bright red shirt he saves for special occasions) and, buried grapple a weak character. These vampire guards wear no livery over their mithral shirts. Her skin, once dusky gray, is now completely black, and her canine teeth are long and sharp. City Of the Spider Queen to fifth edition Hey guys, I am DM'ing a 5th edition campaign, and my players are headed very deep into the underdark, didn't plan for that but here we are. (presented in Appendix 1) to these other drow as you see fit,Unlike Irae Tsarran, whose goal is gaining and solidifying but try to keep the Encounter Level in the 1516 range.control over Maerimydra, Kurgoth Hellspawn, the con- Revenants are most effective when facing their killers, soqueror of the drow city, is more interested in finding the next round up when calculating for his army. On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). Large, sumptuousIrae Tsarran (white tabards with leering black skulls). Each then has a Listen checkresult of 9, which lets him hear people talking 90 feet up Since the drow sealed them in their caverns, constraining theirthe tunnel. been removed. Recently, however, Szith Morcanes newIf the maurezhi is in the process of consuming a characters leadership has reopened the connection to facilitate renewedcorpse, read the following text: raids upon the surface world. When it decides the time is right, it uses its spell-like abilities to prepare for battle, 8Introductionattempting to summon additional demons and casting unholy Irae Tsarran: High Priestess of Kiaransalee in Maerimydraaura before attacking. For D Skeletons (12): hp 6 each; see Monster Manual. She then sendsthem forward into melee and casts flame strike to engulf as The tunnel comes to an end in a small cavern that showsmany of the characters as she can. HEAD STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 12) Illustration by Raven Mimuraflict curses or diseases. Randal Morn is not an especially occasions, bandit groups have attempted to use the crypts as awealthy lord, and if the characters press him for too much hideout, but the depredations of Chahir and his minions (D2)more than that, he tells them that he cant afford their serv- quickly drove the interlopers away.ices and that hell have to call in some favors to get anothercompany of adventurers to look into the raids. Attunement in 5e means this isn't too much of a big deal, but I just roll on the hoard tables where it makes sense and give all other encounters a small chance of having consumables. Taharak: A drow ghost champion of Kiaransalee. Worse yet, unless Irae and herD25 seizure of power. Rhavauz Four plain beds line the walls of this room. Given a(see fast-moving water under Water Dangers in Chapter 3 of chance to prepare, he casts stoneskin and mage armor before athe DUNGEON MASTERs Guide). But the campaign is on indefinite hiatus. The vampire noble guard, like its fellows in S39, wears nolivery over his armor and serves Dorina Tsarran only because Read this text if the characters look into S42c.she created him. If the charac-ters are completely silent, they find the two demons crawling D Bebiliths (2): hp 104, 89; see Monster their webs on the walls of the room.Bebilith Nest 16Part 1 D11. They use their potions of cure light Manual.wounds when wounded and flee when the situation looks hope-less, hurtling down the tunnel toward the guardpost at the top D19. Certainly, if a higher authority such as Randal Morn asked spells such as contact other plane, legend lore, or vision.the characters to stop the raids, that same authority might askthem to continue their investigations. The goblins and face of this small, almost spherical cavern. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. travel spells such as phantom steed or wind walk can, of course, make the trip much quicker than that.) Any creature killed by this energy drain attack rises as a per turn. She is cruel, twisted, and con- Faern have earned her the enmity of Dumathoin, Kelemvor, sumed by thoughts of vengeance against Lolth and every and Jergal, while securing her alliances with Malar, Hoar, other deity and mortal being who has wronged her. D Slave Overseers (2): hp 61, 52; see page 136. access to whatever lies above. Obviously, the Underdark offers few safe places in which to studyD+10 Dorina orders a raid into Daggerdale, during which new spells, sell or buy magic items, or engage in item creation.D+15 drow attack several farms. The drow likely to be encountered herepost to go unguarded. lizards loaded down with packs and crates stand at the Crumbs and spills on the counter reveal recent use. I would round up some Doors: The doors in the crypts are stone. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. 2002 Fun Fact: The 5e Monster Manual and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes include 10 different stat blocks for drow. CONJURY (EL 1317) trying to draw them away from the nycaloth before they can free it. make a Spellcraft check (DC 35). Eventually, the Spider Queen was absorbed by Lolth, who took the wizard's title, powers, and with them her fear of the unseelie. dash for the chambers door. As long as the characters stay reasonably quietfor a cousin of hers in Cormanthor. Encounter Distance: 110 feet. 23Part 1Barracks Level toward S7 to notify the officers. This group is whats left of a larger band that wreaked ing the trap trigger (see below), but they often use fly to getmuch mayhem. These drow are more interested in self- D Huge Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 56, 51; see Monsterpreservation than in glory. Solom renews these spells every fif- teen days. Most areas of the Deep Wastes are either natural Under- Teleport spells might work, if a character gets a reliable dark caverns or long, winding tunnels. If she has time, she uses banishment to get rid ofS44. If he has time before another attempt, so it is stuck in the circle for 24 hours more.the intruders find their way through the wall, he casts If no one seems to see it, the nycaloth remains invisible,mirage arcana to make the room look dusty and vacant, hoping the characters will free it by disturbing the diagrammuch like S28. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit SLAVE CAVERN (EL 13) S21. Each of the sixty books weighs 3 pounds and fetches a price of 3d6 gp. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. Failing this, it falls to the bottom of the spine of the web. Each resist even a force of goblins, ogres, and giants. and Velsharoon. arrival of refugees from Maerimydra and the fall of House D Stone Giant Slaves (3): hp 123, 119, 113; see Monster Morcane. multiple dispel magic spells until they succeed, as long as One set is empty; the other holds a female drow. Publisher rebuke undead gains a +4 profane bonus. Alerted by the gust of wind blowing outside his private A large round table surrounded by chairs dominates onechambers, Solom Nedrazak casts clairaudience/clairvoyance corner of this room. S48. Solom Nedrazak believes thatplete silence and invisibly, the guards do not immediately this austerity increases their discipline and, eventually, theiremerge, so they may be encountered in this room instead mastery of the arcane arts.of in S24 (see their abbreviated statistics and additionalequipment above). small stash of incense worth 35 gp that weighs 4 pounds. Inside this shrine, the adventurers confront Irae's fiendish and undead servitors and lastly even the priestess herself. Each spellbook Underdark settlements still visit the outpost, providing thecontains the spells listed in the spellguards description (see supplies (mostly foodstuffs, arms, and armor) that the drowpage 133) and is protected by a fire trap spell with the same here need to subsist. The This side cavern seems to be a dead end. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. Unless the characters are following one of the clearedstand watch here, dealing with any disturbances among the paths, climbing an escarpment requires a successful Climbslaves and the common drow on this level. Other One of the most useful pieces of information a charmedspells might be able to wrest this information from the drow can provide is a decent and accurate description of aminds of Zedar, Velasta, or Velina, but the undead Dorina is locale within Maerimydra, which could theoretically allowimmune to all such spells. she will have no more magic. He seems soft and weak attall and gaunt drow male who dresses completely in black first glance, but he is actually hard as adamantinecruel, stub-black shirt, black trousers, black boots, and black cloak. wards spell is in effect. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. A combat in progress within 2 rounds. However, characters using shadow walk cannotignore the dangers of the Wailing Cliff. thick, hardness 10; hp 60 per 5-foot cently killed their cleric companion.square; AC 3; break DC 26; Climb DC 22. 13 new monsters. Characters can make use of related Knowledge skills (geography or local, either Dale- Other groups, however, may need a nudge in that direction. It's not going to be consistent. D7. S12. When she is forced to revealany creature that does not worship Kiaransalee opens the door. Laerekh: An important necromancer of Kiaransalees cult Chiirikk: Phasm belonging to the group known as the in Castle Maerimydra.Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra. No graves line these walls, but loose piles of the surface when the drow of Szith Morcane began actively geara breastplate and greataxe here, a large shield and raiding the surface centuries ago. The slave contingent here includes about sixty goblins, twenty bugbears, and a trio of stone giants. Abandon your empty allegiance to a silent goddess out speaking the password triggers the trap. Where did you come from? Two this room. ter. enough in the darkness to target him.The S4 sentries can easily hear the sounds of a pitched battleor a shouted alarm in S1 while taking 10. Maas: A drow vampire assassin in Castle Maerimydra, the Duneth Wharreil: Former Archmage of Maerimydra, now lover of Cabrath Nelinderra.a silveraith under Irae Tsarrans dominion. Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent. Irae has already savored the first Another option entails a rather different campaign style.sweet taste of the vengeance demanded by her deity by destroy- The novel Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers and the remaininging the Lolthites of Maerimydranow she dreams of fulfilling novels in the War of the Spider Queen series follow the actionsthe age-old dream of all drow and exacting revenge against the of a group of Lolth-worshiping drow from Menzoberranzanpeoples of the surface world. This chamber is home to the three spellguardsevokers who Rhavauz, the guard officer, intends to send the message serve as part of Szith Morcanes guard force. Characters hoping to loot the li- brary and sell the books must contend with their bulk and weight. their crypts because the location was convenient, but the Underdark connection posed continuing problems. Laralas enemies are the drow leaders of Szith Morcane, not a random band of surface-world interlopersin fact, she could conceivably ally with the charac- ters against the drow, despite her paranoia. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks If possible, it chooses a lightly armored charac- D Szith Morcane Noble Guards (2): hp 66, 65; see page 133.ter such as a rogue or ranger. The air feels thick and unusually cold. Dalelands. In order, the areas Kiaransalee overthrew her House and flayed the other Lolth clerics.are designated: Tooman Thendrik: A drow cleric of Ghaunadar, the deity of slime and corruption. Several large armoires decorated with gold filigree stand along the walls.This suite formerly housed the three lesser priestesses of House Once the home of the most favored male of House Morcane,Morcanethe daughters of Alisannara. However, here is why. They gain no spells. If Solom(replicating a cone of cold or, if he feels very threatened, a wall Nedrazak appears in this room while the nycaloth is free, itof force), greater shadow conjuration (replicating a summon makes a single round of attacks on the archmage and then van-monster IV spell to bring a shadowy howler, or a solid fog ishes, recognizing that Solom has readied himself for combatspell), enervation, ray of enfeeblement, and web. If a vampire guard is reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, it as-sumes gaseous form and flees toward S44 to warn Dorina The vampire guards move to S37 if they hear combatTsarran. Though followers of Kiaransalee certainly fell in the D Spectre: hp 54; see Monster Manual. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Do monsters convert across for the most part? Characters playing through G1-3 with AD&D 2E were surprised by how tough the giants suddenly were! His soldiers have reported the the Dagger Hills, where the high summer pastures lie. Its only features aregather here to worship their dread goddess. Walls in the lower crypt level and the Underdark level (D7D20) are unworked stone. D20. If you prefer to use monsters from the Monster Duneth Wharreil, weakened Maerimydra and led to its fall at theManual, appropriate monster substitutions are suggested in hands of an invading force of goblins, ogres, giants, and demons.Appendix 2 as well. Before you, the trail winds past a low, rounded hill dotted The crest is ancient and obscure, as well as hard to read. It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. Registration. (The drow address any disturbance they detect.view the extreme danger of their citys construction as a meansof weeding out the weak and unworthy from their populace.) Several beasts re- cavern floor beyond. 13 new monsters. Paperback HOUSE MORCANE ENTRANCE (EL VARIABLE) Once the center of power for House Morcanethe family of Dorinas forbiddance spell (see above) is in effect when the Lolth-worshiping drow who ruled Szith Morcane until re- characters attempt to enter this level. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in If that occurs, it attacks the the dead characters identity, dons his or her gear, and then caster until it is destroyed or the offender either dies or joins the party. Crypts A through D are all the same. Inside the cavern mouth, the walls are smooth and even, narrowing toward a short passage heading to the east. HILLSFAR Irae casts great revenance and raises an army of sev- eral thousand revenants. DAUGHTERS SUITE (EL 14) with silver candelabras, silver bowls, and a silver-handled dagger. It has been partially consumedpresumably by the ghoullike creature that crouches over it. This vaults most prominent feature is a large stone statue of a regal-looking woman dressed in a long, elegant gown. If a key follower dies in someimportant responsibilities and expects her to perform well. The sentries and officerway leading from the chasm to that guardpost. made back to the stairs that lead down to D7. (Strength DC 28), enter in ethereal or gaseous form them-Common citizens were interred in the natural caverns below. Battling past the evil denizens of these of its unusual setting. turn notify the drow of an intrusion before moving into posi- tion to defend their cavern. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. D Quth-Maren: hp 76; see Appendix 1.A large chasm forms the basic structure of Szith Morcane. Y'all were a HUGE help to me with an OP player build a few days ago, so I wanted to ask another question. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55; see on page 138.Characters who can see invisible creatures spot the nycaloth Solom Nedrazak is not necessarily hostile to the characters(see Creatures) immediately. It wears a gold torc worth 350 gp. One of the most atmospheric and brutal of the DnD campaigns out there right now, this adventure will take you to the depths of despair and horror. These spells have been marked off from the900 gp, and 1,500 gp. Szith Morcane. Treasure: Chahir has killed more than one traveler camping Where is Szith Morcane? They do not dis- Vengeance that is coming soon.cuss Irae Tsarrans plans with each other, nor do they sharethis information with the characters, even if charmed. Faerzress, the magical emanationtunnels, the characters eventually make their way to the common throughout the Underdark, scrambles teleportationruins of Maerimydra. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. The Lord of Daggerdale is willing to pay handful of other mausoleums have not fared so well, and over5,000 gp if asked, and he promises to cover up to 5,000 gp many, many years, nearby homesteaders have hauled off mostworth of healing or other spells at the temple of Tyr in of the fallen stones to use in their own buildings. D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 42, 30; see page 134. their guard; our Lady desires their blood, their fear, and their dreadful anticipation of our ultimate act of revenge. A long hallway with six heavy iron doors in the south wall stretches out to the west. A casual, friendly place for the lovers of DnD (D&D). She is shameless aboutStrength check (DC 20) or a successful Escape Artist check pleading for her life with the player characters, urging them(DC 25). The whole lot weighs consist entirely of subterranean races approach the merchants 1,200 pounds. Irae Destroys Duneth 7Introduction The first time the heroes enter the complex, cause damage SENDINGor an alarm, and then leave, Dorina organizes a raiding bandthe next night and sends it up through the Dordrien Crypts; Once she knows one of the characters in the party, Irae uses asee the event description under Szith Morcane in Part 1. sending spell to deliver a threat. s Unworked Stone Walls: Minimum 5 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 900 (per 5 feet of thickness); AC 3; break DC 65; Climb DC 20. Hillsfar is large enough to offer access to many of the items or markets high-level characters may be seeking. Text Duneth and his barbaric allies were not alone in theirin sidebars contains important notes for the Dungeon Master hatred for House Chmavh, the ruling house of Maerimydra. The bebiliths in Con/2d6 Con); Fort DC 15 resists. came before. A single, massive, stone door bearing a weathered but still visibleSurface Level family crest marks the entrance to this crumbling mausoleum. At any Glistening walls of smooth, black rock tower upward, form- given time, two are on duty in S25, while the other four are in ing an octagonal room that looks like a squat tower turned here. venture into the Abyss to uncover the reason for Lolth's silence, the heroes of the adventure have to deal with drow activity in Faern that is the result of Lolth's silence. Though it has the overall shape and statureMorcane. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. Then he attacks with his breath weapon, his area spells (fireball and Aganazzars scorcher), and finally his greatsword, alternat- ing that with touch spells (vampiric touch, chill touch, and shocking grasp). ISBN 13 Make sure thecharges left. A goblin eavesdrops outside and tells the drow what he hears if not intercepted and killed. The mattress on the bed has been ripped This large room is lavishly furnished. She has a map of the Deep Wastes are sure to come across it. Two impressive stone mausoleums still stand outside the crypts proper, their stonework crumbling and worn, and their Mercenary-minded characters might ask Randal Morn doors hanging open in the wake of ancient tomb robbers. Velina spent considerable attack. Thecalamitous destruction of Jhaamdath in 255 DR. remnants of fieldstone walls and the skeletal shells of old farmhouses dot the nearby valley. Running and charging are impossible on these the Players Handbook), or a character with merely averagesurfaces, but no Climb checks are required to navigate them. With its tremorsense, it can detect the approachof any character who traverses point X on the map. gp limit; Assets 420,600 gp; Population 2,804; Isolated The Weave corruption described in Part 3 grows to (humans 92%, halflings 3%, dwarves 2%, half-orcs 2%). MAKESHIFT TEMPLE (EL 13) 200 gp, weighs 1 pound, and can hold eight candles. During this time, D&D went from 3.0 to 3.5, so I had the conversion of players and NPCs going on at the same time. A character attempting to run or Scratch marks are visible, suggesting that the lids have been re-charge across these floors must make a successful Balance moved, probably with crowbars.

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