dead frontier boss map

The Spitter is unique unlike other bosses, relies on its ranged projectile vomit attack, that spews 5 projectiles at the survivor, capable of inflicting burn status upon the survivor should the projectiles hit. Notes: More than likely you can loot the Mother without killing all of the ground enemies but I recommend it simply for the experience. With the necrosis of its cells, the N-4 virus, and the fact that it is now aflame, almost any wounds that are caused to it are healed near instantly, and thats if the bullets even manage to penetrate its steel-like bones and hide. In addition to the normal hourly boss type, there are also special, extra tough bosses that only spawn once per day. Extreme precaution and good weapons must be used against this beast or else the survivors will be devoured in a horrible way against this new threat created by the N4 virus. Melee is unadvised. I do. +35% speed boost is essentially mandatory for open combat, unaided by barriers. Sightings of these creatures are reported around easter dates, although it is not known if this influences the appearance of this type of infected rabbit. Evidence was recently unearthed of a covert mission conducted by AdminPwn, several of his commanding officers, and a handpicked team of elite survivors. A special point of interest within the Inner City is the crashed helicopter, located in the southeastern part of the labyrinth of streets. Taller than most of your average zombies, the mother possesses two pairs of gaping maws as arms, although it isn't her primary form of attack. Notes: Log in and play with thousands of real players from around the globe as you struggle for survival in a zombie infested city. Steps. The combined necrosis, reviving, and additional effects of the N4 that are not fully understood have turned the Black Titan into the epitome of a killing machineits bones have grown to form a kind of steel hide far stronger than that of any normal Titan, and its N4-laced flesh has developed the ability to seal up inflicted wounds multiple times before finally becoming vulnerable to permanent injury. You can do this safely by waiting for the knock-back from dealing damage to cool down so that your next attack will cause a knock-back again. The effect observed when exposed to high doses of radiation have caused a new variant in the Wraith. The supposed "Sister" to Fingers, the Spitter shares similar movements to Fingers, with the exception of being more lethal. Spawns in the Yellow Zone and beyond, spawns in pairs in Red Zone and every zone afterward. It is also recommended to not engage in close quarters combat, as it's melee damage is equivalent to that of a Roid Hulk's or Mother's. These zombies no longer explode when killed with melee weaponry, so there is no need to equip a rifle at Level 18. This insanely fast enemy was previously one of the toughest, if not THE toughest, N4 mutants in Fairview. These mutants are by far one of the most unusual (and somewhat comical) enemies encountered yet. Its toxic tongue lash and devastating punches have likewise been abandoned in favor of an entirely new offensive capability, the likes of which have never been seen in any other infected: A multitude of horrific, permanent cyst-like pustules have developed on the Volatile Leaper's back. They were real and they wanted us dead. If the Titan mutation was not enough, now the existence of an irradiated variant has also been confirmed. Update: Currently, due to the new map the helicopter is in the normal red zone, meaning that only reds and purples spawn here. My reason for handicapping the infected rather than killing them is this still fills the spawn cap and no others will come through the doors. Some nickname this creature the Collector, as it never stops chasing until it's said target is beaten down with it's fists. The mutations brought on by its evolution into a boss zombie have drastically altered its means of movement, its biological attributes, and its modus operandi of attack. - Occasionally performs a scream attack that functions similarly to the Volatile Leaper's gas attack. Traveling in packs of 4 it is advisable to dispatch these beasts as quickly as possible, before risking yourself to suffer of radiation poisoning. Do not attempt to backpedal without significant speed boost and high RoF/knockback weapons. The same disturbing phenomenon observed in the "Slenderman" mutation seems to have been replicated in this beast, somehow the N4 virus identified the Wendigo in the subconscious of its host (who apparently must have been people quite fanatical of the myths and tales of the Wendigos) and mutated his body into a replica of this fairytale evil spirit. The new mutations found down there bring with them spectacular abilities never seen before and the Mega Mother is proof of that. Use this information wisely, since even though it may sound horrible to some, hiding in a toilet is still better than getting eaten alive by hordes of hungry zombies. Dead Frontier 2 Daily Boss Location Guides | DF2 HAVEN Level 15-20; Bite 16 / One Arm 32 (Sometimes less) / Doesn't attack with 2 arms apparently. This grotesque and mysterious mutation appears at first glance to be a living scarecrow. Different types of bosses in the same area give out the same quality of loot, but items looted from certain powerful bosses like Black Titans will always be Mastercrafted. Often there's enough space for hit-and-run tactics; stand in one spot to attack her and relocate to another when the parasite swarm approaches. Encounters with these creatures were rare and there was not much information about it except that it has quite a few health points, its body presents an advanced state of necrosis, it has a disturbingly similar skull to those of reindeer (including its antlers) and it produces a horrible scream, which causes severe pain in the ears of its victims and produces headaches and disorientation. He is invulnerable, unkillable. European culture views Santa as a man with a small to medium build, unlike that of the American view of an extremely fat, jolly man. Unlike most guides, this one introduces the concept of Scientific Minimalism, which analyzes each task and determines the minimal equipment necessary to complete that task, allowing survivors to choose the optimal gears while saving precious resources. Various scout reports confirm that these anomalies travel in packs, so extreme caution is imperative when dealing with these new abominations. There are two types of status effects: positive and negative or buff and debuff. Missing person at Sunnydale Apt? With multiple heads and a highly mutated vocal cord, the Choir's primary form of attack is to scream so loud that it damages the hearings of survivors and leaves them stunned for them to close in and tenderize victims with his giant bony spike that was once his arm. One of the few, albeit trivial, details initially obtained about it was that it appeared to resemble the "Slenderman"a mythical monster popularized by the pre-outbreak world's "Creepypasta" internet culture. Whenever he starts to roar, start shooting him for a few seconds, and then wait until you feel like he is about to roar again and shoot him to knock him back, and then run far away. Choir has a very large head which is easy to head shot, due to this he will typically die the fastest out of all bosses. Spawns in level 15 zones and beyond. Learn about the map Clan Roster The Hollow Prestige membership and links to character profiles. Reports of sightings of these creatures are always in December, when temperatures drop and the cold takes over Fairview, apparently it is the appropriate climate for the proliferation of these beings. Utilize other players or walls to separate the horde from the fight. Notes: Sidestep attacks and prioritize hordes (if present) so they do not impede dodging/boost the DH's attacks. The various colored zones group areas where particular types of infected can be encountered. Skip to content. Possessing a much smaller profile, but with the increased speed and damage it can cause with its tentacles thanks to this new present condition make the Mega Wraith a nightmare for anyone trying to hunt it down. AMMUNITION VS HEALTH POINTS. Lower level bosses are not listed on the page. Community Forums Discussions Character Builds; Character Builds. Like the dogs they are, they will travel in packs, making running upon a pack of them suicide. Her attacks are very quick and have a large reach doing tonnes of damage in a very short amount of time. Dead Frontier Irradiated Giant Spiders [Boss] Vac 787 subscribers Subscribe 5.2K views 1 year ago Just from some spur of curiosity, I checked out the new bosses from the recent update. Thats right, a Flaming Black Titan. This is a boss mutation of the existing Rumbler zombie. Upon death, bosses will leave behind their body which is almost guaranteed to give the player a piece of weapon or armor, corresponding to the zone the boss is fought in. He has also been rumored to slice off limbs with his fingers which have mutated into sharp bones. Analysis of the sample revealed that this beast's entire body is composed of rotten flesh that has undergone complete necrosis, and then been forced back to 'life' by the N4 virus. He was recently nerfed so that no longer has a chance of attacking very fast. Get one of these weapon types to at least 100 (and buy a level 100 weapon) before you try to loot the end zones of the map. Explore properties. In the early days of the outbreak, fire was used to burn the bodies of the infected in hopes of eradicating the virus, however, it only made things worse. DF Profiler provides its own bossmap page that can be viewed free of charge. Multiplayer has been disabled as well. Depending on your character build a good strategy to dealing with her is to slowly circle her while attempting to take chip shots at her head or body. This is a boss mutation of the zombie dogs. This class of variant is in a state between the necrosis produced by the virus and the abilities granted by the N4 virus when it meets fire, this is because these new variants seem to have the living fire on their bodies faded a long ago, but still somehow are ablaze on the inside, like coal. Now this kind of infected reindeer terrorizes the few remaining population of Fairview, because they are used to cold climates and the arduous conditions in which they lived, sightings of these infected reindeer are always reported around December, when temperatures drop below zero and snow begins to fall into this desolate city, which seems to be favored by this kind of mutation. This mark on the map will show the exact location of the crash location, in case you want to risk your life for a peek at this unique crashed vehicle. As a reminder, I'm only uploading Dead Frontier videos due to curiosity of the new boss variants. It is said that this is the first recorded sighting of the bone mutation acting as a mainly offensive trait, rather than a defensive one. 1 3D version map Wiki Version 2D version map Full Size Map This map is not a fully detailed map, it only includes a few points of interest around popular locations. Once human aides to St. Nicholas' veritable army of "helper" Santas, who regaled young children with small pre-Christmas treats during their visits to Santa's human helpers in shopping malls and winter festivals, these creatures now bring fear and destruction to survivors. Usually sprinting when they are encountered, they sometimes walk aimlessly on very rare occasions. Buffs or debuffs can be gained from the food, drinks, or medicinal items your character consumes. Backpacks have their own equipment slot. Attack 1 hit KOs survivors wearing armor below Tatakau Reactive. The Boss Hunting article contains all presently available information regarding the locations of high-level bosses, including the type of boss at the location and the key necessary to reach the boss. Several characteristics have been observed in these irradiated monstrosities, the first being that the N4 virus when exposed to radiation causes a mutation in its host, making it more difficult to take down due to its speeding up its regenerative factor. Ranged vomit attack reaches about 3x longest melee range. You will need to wait for him to stop sprinting before you can reload, unless you have good enough reload speed and knock-back distance to reload after stunning him. Add 5 to Strength for the UMP. Mysteriously appearing just before Easter, the mutants began attacking looters and fighters alike all around the city. If attacking fingers in a group of two or more, considering using his current target as "bait" so the others can safely attack the back of his head. DF2Profiler Mission Map User Files DF2 HAVEN. Either way, its best you don't get too close. That is, if you put an item up for sale in the Outpost Zone and then travel to the Central Zone, the items can be seen by players barricaded in the Central Zone. About one in ten killed will drop Christmas Candy. If you're not strong enough, or just don't want to be potential dog food, then it is well advised to run, run for your life. However, no challenges will spawn 20 minutes before and after an Outpost Attack. From the Wastelands has appeared a creature that must have crawled out of the murkiest depths of Hell. Wasteland variant awards 1.875 EXP/HP and does not drop loot upon death. The formerly alpha reindeers used by Fatman and his minions for their misdeeds were infected by an cervid strain of the N4 virus. The Tendril now uses these tentacles to slam survivors with enough force to break multiple bones, severely bruise muscle tendons, and tear deep lacerations in the skin. Do not try to take on this monster alone unless you wish to die. Wraiths are perhaps the least mentally affected by the mutations of Nerotonin-4, allowing them to retain their premortem mental acuity. Melee weapons, explosives and point blank gunshots can bypass the shield. Scientists hypothesize that the fire caused the virus to accelerate and mutate the bones into a dense, formidable armored shell. This was corroborated by the fact that several former internet-surfers were able to identify some of these mutants as infected people who had been popular writers of the myth online. Some are ripped to shreds by the Titan's claws. At the time that these mutants were encountered, very little was known about them, other than that they apparently possessed high health points and always inflicted lethal damage. Spawns in level 10 zones and beyond. Builds are designed to . Flaming Flesh Hounds have 20,000 health points apiece, the same as Flaming Long Arms. Spawn: At precisely the 7 minute mark of each hour, a new set of bosses is generated and placed across the map. More agile and violent than before, this mutation should not be taken lightly, it has recently been confirmed that they travel in herds, so it is recommended to carry high-caliber weapons to repel these bastard arachnids, that or be torn to pieces by these new threats produced by the abyssal conditions of the southeastern border. Very very well. After that amount of time has passed however, leftover bosses will no longer produce lootable item, and any remaining body will not give out anything. Notes: Do note that prices between the trade zones can vary greatly. Gameplay The Dead Frontier Profiler Bossmap for finding zombie bosses. Attack him with long range headshots with rifles and pistols, as his multiple heads make it very easy to score a headshot. Doing this strategy correctly and leading him around the edges of the room by timing your stuns correctly to get some distance and not trap your self, then the boss will become very easy in no time. A creation from the realm of blackest nightmares, the Volatile Leaper appears to be a divergent evolution of the traditional Leaper-- some errant mutation in the N4 virus having pushed it down the same evolutionary path as other boss zombies that otherwise would have never occurred. Another tactic is to continuosly target one of his legs and sever it, making his gaze next to useless while he crawls. During a full moon night around the festivities of Halloween, these strange wolf-like infecteds began to appear all over Fairview. His head is rather less exposed which makes scoring headshots problematic. Their bodies are similar to those of male burned zombies, but their heads appear to have taken on the shape and likeness of a jack-o-lantern. Although once called upon to aid Santa in bringing Christmas cheer to the world, these Reindeer have now been taken over entirely by an unknow cervid N4 virus strain and are now nothing more than vicious, killer beasts. To outrun him you generally need Sprinter V and some clothes with good speed buffs. Dead Frontier 2 forums for the DF2 Haven community. Once set aflame, the N4 virus begins to rapidly mutate the host, continually repairing the damaged tissue; resulting in a faster, angrier, enemy. Carries a shield that block incoming frontal fire. GUNNER BOSS (CLAPPERS SKILL SET+GEAR) by YogaRappapa Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:22 pm 2 Replies 6492 Views Last post by Maximas14 The Detailed Map has been relocated! Their attack range isn't any different than the average infected, which means that no special tactics are necessary. Boss Life Cycle All aforementioned boss groups follow a strict cycle as followings: Spawn: At precisely the 7 minute mark of each hour, a new set of bosses is generated and placed across the map. DF2 character build guides. Attack range is 3.5x the range of the longest-ranged Melee, Strikes exclusively in a straight trajectory, in front of itself, Particularly low turn radius but very narrow area of attack, Frequent AI pathfinding issues occur, expect highly irregular movements. Stats are allocated in order to maximize Critical to equip the Gramm M11 at Level 28 and to have the necessary Strength to equip the UMP at Level 30. It's rumored that Fairview's top body builders used the N4 Drug to stay one step above the rest of the competition, which have since mutated their elitist bodies into a monstrous and twisted mold of a "Titan". Currently, the available types of boss are as followings: At threat level 5, large packs of these types of zombies may be encountered in place of normal bosses. That adds up to a total of 100,000 health points for a pack of five. The exact location of the helicopter is X30/Y37 X25/Y26. Entering, it is playable, but you will not receive Experience or Loots. After a long and arduous search, Gregg Stevens was the first person to find the crashed helicopter. Attack 1 hit KOs survivors wearing armor below Vengeance Guard, or those with significant damage reduction. (Outpost Leader) (Dallbow Police Department, Dallbow), Jack Graves It is advised to use a Shotgun or Machine Gun to combat them. Be sure you're prepared before you try to extinguish one. Equipped with what might be called the best attributes of an infected individual and a rabid wolf, these mutants are capable of tearing even the best-prepared survivors to pieces. They should not be taken lightly, no matter what kind of happy, fond memories you may still have of these substitute Santas. This monstrosity was once a healthy woman in the later stages of pregnancy. She would first prefer to melt the flesh from our bones. Despite her size, the mother is slow, even when aggressive or injured. Key Bindings; Outposts; World Map; . Titan is a very tanky Mutation and will take a while to kill him, he also runs very fast but has to stop to attack you, so as long as you don't run into a dead end or an obstacle or make mistakes, you will avoid taking damage. Game World. Analysis revealed a shocking phenomenon that seemed impossible, but was confirmed by several former neurologists and psychologists in the outposts. For the lucky ones that manage to escape, they did so with temporary or permanent eye damage. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Ranged vomit attack reaches about 3x longest melee range. The few reports of sightings of these creatures suggest that they now have a much smaller body profile than their normal counterparts, the damage they can deal to their victims is far greater, they retain their bizarre ability to explode on death, and their speed is the same than its flaming counterpart, although its most striking quality is that due to being basically on fire inside, the vomit it expels is now a gastric flare capable of severely damaging anyone within its range. UPDATE: This weapon progression was developed when it was necessary to use firearms to kill exploding zombies from a safe distance. Early in the outbreak multiple armed forces were deployed to try to contain riots caused by panicked people and to try to fend off the initial outbreaks. Use the map to find the current cycle of bosses in the inner city. The virus, mixed with a rare gene, changed the zombie's bones into something stronger than a concrete wall. If you would like to play the game, please use 3D.*. The time chosen for them is completely random and not affected by the normal 7 minute rule, and they stay for 3 hours instead of the normal bosses' 1 hour. Apart from having a hard and resistant shell and skin like concrete and capable of tearing a survivor apart in seconds, there is now the possibility of suffering radioactive poisoning, adding to this that now these creatures are also living bombs, because through exposure to material radioactive caused that at the time of death there is a violent explosion of gases and irradiated fragments. The table below gives a rough loot on the lootable items you can expect in a certain area. Melee is unadvised. At this outpost, Critical Build #2 works exclusively on Machine Gun Proficiency. signals before crashing in an unknown part of the Inner City. Even after seeing them eat the flesh our loved ones, we had difficulties accepting the truth. Despite their comical appearance, they should not be taken lightly, they possess speed equal to that of a Tendril, and can do considerable damage to an unprepared survivor. The first stage of the city includes only Grey / Normal / Pale Zombies, the second includes Greys as well as Purple Zombies and Crows, the three harder stages of the city include mainly variations of the Red Zombies. Use the map the table below gives a rough loot on the lootable items you can expect a. X30/Y37 X25/Y26 if you would like to play the game, please use 3D. * did with! A concrete wall normal hourly boss type, there are two types status... Is generated and placed across the map Clan Roster the Hollow Prestige and... Impossible, but you will not receive Experience or Loots the supposed `` Sister '' to,... Encountered yet scream attack that functions similarly to the Volatile Leaper 's gas.! Lootable items you can expect in a very short amount of time awards 1.875 EXP/HP does. 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