[48] In fact, the mere inconvenience of maintaining the bond could be a reason to end it. [32] For example, in the average Lolthite society, a female drow with an active career under her belt gave birth to about ten children before she lost the ability to birth more. A perfume bottle. Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. A council of male wizards, called an "inner ring", ruled over the clan. Lolthtouched drow manifested abilities like cloud of darkness, which would enshroud the given drow in shadow that was impossible for anyone but the caster to see through, and darkfire, which made other creatures an easier target by surrounding them in harmless purple flames. 87. [92]:During wartime, the patrols doubled their numbers of poisoned darts, and every warrior was equipped with up to three potions of healing in steel vials that didn't rust. 37. This pillar acts as a clock and is lit each morning with a glow that slowly disappears, representing the passing of a single day. The drow didn't often keep animals as pets, preferring to keep creatures that could completely comprehend their dependence on their owners. [9] However, a lifetime of being indoctrinated with Lolth's dogma, combined with their upbringing giving them limited contact with other beings, surroundings, and alternative ways of life, made them close-minded, and left them with little wordly experience. 25. I am using the new API(Google Map API V2) for my android application, i have done creating the map and adding markers to it, now my task is to manually create a circle around any of the marker and also i want to provide a functionality to the user that he can increase the radius of that circle accordingly, for this i have given a bar, when user increases that bar the radius of circle will . [54] Like with base powers, it was normally impossible to cast mature powers in the presence of intense light. Alignment 5e Privacy Statement By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your adventurers took the risk of traversing the Underdark in pursuit of the dark elves. [243], As a general rule, drow had a preference for smooth or cabochon cut gems over faceted ones, and preferred black, blue, and red to other colors. If you want, you can choose to draw your map from scratch. [28], Around three out of every ten drow patrols included somewhere between one to eight non-drow, such as bugbears, goblins, or orcs as "allied forces". [90] Making matters worse for the drow, in war situations, the noble Houses schemed against each other so that their rivals would take the heaviest losses, or carry the responsibility for any failure, meaning that they were incapable of forming a truly united front against their enemies. Before we travel too deep into the inner bowels of each urban location, let's summarise. Your email address will not be published. As a result, most of their settlements were found under the Moonsea, north and west of Iltkazar, from the underground of Calimshan to the one of Icewind Dale. They were also known for their stone bridge, balcony, and buttress designs, as well as their intricate spiral tunnels. Drow are the "Dark Elves" who remained faithful to Lolth after her betrayal of Corellon. It is cursed. Free shipping for many products! [64] However, during the 1360s DR, Liriel Baenre, guided by Eilistraee,[65] carved her rune in the Child of the Yggdrasil with the intent of preserving her own drow magic away from the Underdark,[66] but the act ended up allowing all drow to keep their powers on the surface. Multiple demonic shrines are scattered through the city. They arrive expecting the unexpected, and Area X deliversthey discover life forms that surpass understanding. A note in a characters pocket says, meet me later, with no other instructions. This website exists thanks to the contribution of patrons on Patreon. [54], A drow's innate dancing lights spell-like ability [9][8][59][15] could create a larger number of light motes than the normal spell, and provided better control as the power of the caster increased; for example, the light spheres could be moved further away from each other than normal. Distinctions Build, create and embed interactive Google maps with drawings and labels. Show connection between cities. Even if you could, you would be attacked. The curious gaze marvels at towering stone structures, intricate web-patterns, and down dark alleyways kept immaculately clean by legions of slaves and servitor creatures. Base powers were abilities that the drow could cast without any schooling, needing only simple practice. The map is 5050, equivalent to 25 of our standard 1010 tiles. Below her, in descending order of influence, were the female members of the House, who were also priestesses. Sunbathing; the result of years-long training. These priestesses of Lolth that normally reigned over drow societies were poor rulers who tossed their cities into a haphazard organization. Nonetheless, certain items had been developed by the drow, or based on magic from before the Descent,[230] and most of those items were created to be only usable by drow, due to their paranoia. These are the best DnD cities: Waterdeep Neverwinter Baldur's Gate The Radiant Citadel Menzoberranzan Waterdeep Their co-conspirator pickpockets any who stop to help. A metal cylinder with no opening. It is a peril- Do Urden (himself detailed in Book II of ous wilderland of dark caverns, crevices, this boxed set, his statistics updated from and labyrinthine passages: The Realms Be- Patron deity Positions were normally sorted by age but were ultimately not set in stone, and could be changed at the matron mother's whims[89], Females had absolute power within their household, and owned all the governmental and militaristic power within the city, although they held no authority until after puberty. 30. [202] Though having a group name might suggest some sort of alliance, the Dark Seldarine was a pantheon only in name. 61. [22], Drow eyes could be of any color,[28] with bright red being the most common. Their over-reliance on it meant that drow settlements were often stationary, leaving them relatively easy to locate and vulnerable to attack by various the forces of the Underdark. [95], Patrol leaders were normally male drow with superior fighting skills or clerics trained in the use of weapons. Speed. Lord Mordaes Guide to Savage Etiquette Volume III, left on a barrel. They are always retrieved by a house servant. [198], About a fifth of the entire drow race was capable of complex works, while only about one-tenth could create items fine enough to be enchanted or turned into drowcraft through the absorption of faerzress. [73] Other popular poisons were those extracted from purple worms, scorpions, and spiders,[73] the so-called calling, the eyeburn paste, and the skullrot. It is very easy to think that you are alone and then suddenly have dungeon alert jump up as a dozen or more Drow attack you. [125] This was less due to any supposed inferiority of males, but because becoming one required a greater understanding and sensitivity of the "life of the other gender. It involves a mutual spilling of blood. Violation of the fashion code, disregarding exceptions due to authorization by the appropriate individuals, was always punished by death. [54], Before the 1360s DR, the drow would gradually lose their base and mature powers, as well as their defenses against magic, if exposed to sunlight. Good resources, and a wonderful, in depth description. I've been trying to find a detailed guide of Ust Natha for all the little things you can do there but so far just found the obvious lists like the quests and such. BoLS Comments Rules They usually have silver, grey, or white hair with pale, purplish skin. History[11] [37][30] This mindset created an arrogance so strong that drow could be incapable of viewing other creatures as their equals,[30] including members of their own kind; almost every drow believed themselves to be the epitome of their superior species. They believed to have been punished by the Seldarine for their triumph in the Fourth Crown War, and used this as a justification for their entitlement to exact vengeance on the other elves and their gods.[18]. The only thing you can do now is to kill Adalon and pick something important to proceed with your game. [67], Lolthtouched powers, the result of Lolth's blessing, were perhaps the most distinctive abilities of the drow. Alliances were not allowed in these kinds of attacks, and there was a minimum interim time (one year) between attacks on an individual house, giving them time to recuperate. 56. The ceiling is 1,000 feet high, and stalactites, stalagmites, and columns litter the cavern. [32] In general, rising through the ranks too quickly was dangerous for any drow, as the usual reaction was the formation of temporary alliances among those who believed they wronged to take the upstart down and such alliances were often successful. With Inkarnate you can create world maps, regional maps and city maps for dungeons & dragons, fantasy books and more! Even so, surface cities generally didn't allow drow into their cities because of their reputation,[72] though followers of Eilistraee sometimes managed to gain a place within surface communities. [72][73], Specific training was available for their rogues,[28] which included lessons on how to blend in with the heat hues and patterns of their surroundings, similarly to how other races could hide in the shadows of light sources. The adventure begins in seeming serenity as we find Drizzt Do'Urden enjoying a rare state of peace. [113] They could recognize drowcraft items by holding them,[113] and if given a piece of Underdark-metal, or a cut or worn gem, drow could typically identify it. The Drow City is a Dungeon that consists of three levels, the first of which is the 8th most region of the Overworld and then the second and third levels are part of the Drow City Dungeon. -Like is there a way to save the people from the spiders without raising the alarm? Challenge rating Steps. [50], Only truly exceptional "good drow", such as Drizzt Do'Urden, were capable of freeing themselves from a Lolthite society. 98. This gave female drow absolute power over males,[108] and meant they were less likely to be sacrificed. Others only smell rotting meat. Required fields are marked *. Here, check out this screenshot: Step 3. The magic of the drow was on par with that found on the surface. It's mostly meant to be a backdrop for encounters your party might have in the city, but I figured I'd throw a tavern, a shop and a small market in there to give it a little extra utility. Some of those who came to the surface from the Underdark had already formed a different morality before leaving, while others had used to live under the Lolthite dogma. Close. It sports a collar that reads Itsy in Elvish. Red, lavender, blue, purple, amber Erelhei-Cinlu looks out like a degenerate lover upon the homeland of the drow, as it has for countless centuries. [89] The clans were among the primary mercantile organizations in the Underdark, and their presence was common along its trade routes. Female [57] According to Seldszar Elpragh, a drow's faerie fire worked by channeling faerzress. Underdark The piwafwi was a notorious example, although insignias were also important to the drow houses and granted special powers like, sometimes, levitation. [86] Naturally, the drow had some countermeasures against poison, like the ring of antivenom. A wavy dagger with the words feed me in Undercommon is stuck into the wall. Open or create a map. They were generally formed when the supposed ally was susceptible to blackmail, considered weak enough to not be a serious threat, or when cooperation was forced by the existence of a common enemy. I've been waiting for an excuse to start role-playing her for a long time now. They're built on a terrain of blackstone . Top. JP Coovert 43.2K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 1 year ago Drawing the map that will be the first two pages of the Dragon Town RPG Zine! [9][8] During infancy it fluctuated between almost non-existent and youth-level (resisting around two fifths of the time), stabilizing as they grew up. But it's the secrets they've carried across the Withe: Female Human Fighter, Neutral. [42], To achieve their individual desires required their society to retain at least some level of stability, and they were held tightly to tradition even if that code wasn't actually codified into law. We produce RPG battlemaps with a high standard of artwork featuring a variety of locations; castles and villages, dungeons and crypts, temples and caverns. The party finds a magic hat. [231] For example, the vipergout spell was originally developed by the scalykind,[232] but was still considered drow. It stops after 1d4 days. It was even worse for those women who sought power outside of Lolth's church, for they had to compete both with other females and oppressed and resentful men. [26], Reports varied on the physical differences between the drow sexes. [145] Slaves, in general, were not allowed to look into the eyes of a drow or to carry weapons without permission (a rule that was mostly enforced when the slave was a gladiator of some kind). Each drow city contains 8 noble houses, each one holding sway over a different district of the city. Signs of conflict; scrawled writings, whispers in taverns hint at an impending insurrection against the houses and societal structure. It leads the party to a dragons treasure hoard if they can decipher the map. 59. Only the original sports a drop of authentic Red-Stripe poison for that special Zing you love! There was an underground city near the marshland! 0. Medium If you find these tools helpful, please consider supporting this site. Glad you like it, good luck with the campaign! Within Lolthite societies, even drow with a disposition towards what was considered good generally had problems developing a strong personal sense of morality. Drow are more often evil than not. These punishments could prove lethal, and the inevitable child deaths were justified as "saving" the child from an even worse fate as an adult. [244], Drow were the most wide-spread and numerous among the Underdark races. However, with the exception of the First House, insignias weren't openly displayed except when inside the House territory or the clan's base. [51] Furthermore, even those who escaped the cruelties of the Underdark found it more difficult to form long-term friendships than most races did[23] and had to constantly be on the lookout for pursuers who could kill them. This Underdark city-state is the most famous drow stronghold in the Forgotten Realms and is the ancestral home of the famed ranger Drizzt DoUrden, who left it at a young age. Alignment 74. [92] Larger patrols were generally led by female drow, who normally had one or two powerful warriors as lieutenants. [192] When participating in a meeting, due to their weakness to light, the creation of an intense light source was seen as a hostile act by the drow, that led them to attack.[54]. To stick a dagger in the back of a rival during the chaos of a larger battle or in the quiet shadows of an alley, however, is quite acceptableeven applauded. It was believed that the "good drow" collectively worshiped Eilistraee,[148] drow goddess of freedom,[216] although in truth the more morally neutral of the "good drow" were split between the worship of Ghaunadaur, Selvetarm, Lolth, and Vhaeraun. An obsidian staff leaning against a wall that works as a wand of web. [54] The following faiths were of minor importance:[73]. [118][88], In truth, drow law was nothing more than a formal excuse for cruelty, an ironic parody of order made only to disguise the chaotic, ruthless, murderous ambition of the drow and their infighting. This place is amazing!!! Eye color(s) Vault of the Drow is an adventure module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game written by Gary Gygax.The module bears the code "D3" and was published in 1978 by TSR, Inc. for use with the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition rules.. A walkway lined with bleached skulls of various creatures leads to a tavern filled with similar decor inside. [28] ,[30] All unskilled labor in drow cities was carried out by slaves, and for that reason the slave trade was a booming business. [32], The drow held some respect towards races capable of resisting their aggressions,[28] and could perceive certain races as at least possible equals (though never superiors) with whom they had mutual gain or non-aggression pacts. 77. [35] However, the drow were able to (or at least tried to) hide some of their more heinous traits behind a veneer of sophistication. Some drow found virtue within themselves in spite of all the terrors they witnessed (or perhaps because of it). [118][88], It was considered a violation of the Way of Lolth to defy the hierarchy of their society in any way. [126], Given the need to compete for limited resources and advancement opportunities in their society, drow had an interesting relationship with children. [Encounter] All this exploration has gained the attention of a matron mother. LOI . Wow, this map is so good! Even drow Houses were punished for the open murder of their enemies, just as they would if their assassination was exposed, but this was because public fighting was considered boorish. GmapGIS is a free web based gis application for Google maps. 4: The Iron Globe. War is brewing. [28], As one might expect, this atmosphere of utter condescension meant that most drow generally felt entitled to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted to do it. This usually marked a new direction for the House, and sometimes even its destruction, because the murder of a matron was seen as a sign of disfavor from Lolth. It was considered a lost path, i.e. Draw the major lines of your composition. [48], Apart from its obvious use as a light source, drow used their ability to create dancing lights to surprise the enemy with the sudden appearance of a glowing figure or will-o'-wisp-like light balls. 44. Drow14Drow Gunslinger4Drow Elite Warrior5Drow Mage7Drow Priestess of Lolth8Drow House Captain9Drow Shadowblade11Drow Arachnomancer13Drow Inquisitor14Drow Favored Consort18Drow Matron Mother20 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth [2] is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons ( D&D) fantasy roleplaying game coded D1-2. [21][42], Given the scarcity of resources in the Underdark and the limited chances for advancement within their society, most drow had to be aggressively competitive. An old male drow sits outside the entrance to a major house for 1 hour every day, before leaving a bouquet of Underdark flowers. For every hour spent here one level of exhaustion is healedif one is not eaten by the mazes denizens. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Dress is elegant formal wear. Elves range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall and have slender builds. Any actual affection was usually the result of the male being attractive, servile, and never embarrassing the female. Nobles, powerful wizards, officers, and priestesses wore other, more prized stones like amethyst, beljuril, black opal, black sapphire, diamond, emerald, fire opal, jacinth, opal, oriental amethyst, orl, ravenar, red tear, ruby, sapphire, star ruby, star sapphire, water opal, and zendalure. [32], Drow were ruled by their aristocracy, the drow Houses, made up by the families that had the strength and incredible influence to occupy the best lands,[32][23] with most Houses often being located in close proximity to each other. The best "normal" romantic relationship between two drow was similar to the one between a spoiled brat and her well trained, obedient dog, with the owner having the right to put the dog down for any reason. Any drow who committed identification litigations by wearing the wrong hair style, clothes, and/or drow house insignia was considered a criminal unless the House authorized the use of their color or insignia or if the matron mother expressedly permitted a drow to change their hair and attire to appear as a different rank. 2: The Imprisoned Mage. 27. 40. Exile. The scent smells pleasant to carnivores and creatures who enjoy drinking blood. [93], Patrols were outfitted with a scroll of protection from earth and stone to guard against cave-ins, while surface raiders or underground furtive attackers used an orb of duo-dimension to allow stealthy attacks.[96]. This is a list of the drow houses of the notable drow cities Menzoberranzan and Ched Nasad and their ranks over time. Take your time as you travel through the city. This group headed south to a tropical jungle environment and drew power from the environment itself. With her newfound skills, she wanted nothing more than to get REVENGE on the crappiest mother to ever walk the earth, and on her first mission went rogue and broke into her mother's mansion to assassinate her. Playing Out of Abyss. [22][28] It thinned and changed color with age, turning pale yellow for women, and silver or grey for men. Only a few people know it has no power. surveyor. The second greatest power group inside a given drow city were the merchant clans,[239] whose success was important for the survival of the drow race. 8. This was a slightly unusual map for me. [118][88], Failing to fully obliterate another House or allying with another to do so was a crime punished by all other Houses destroying the offenders. . Systems of intricately curved pipes that bore through solid rock, fitted with shut-off valves, side-channels, and pumps, collected and diverted water for various purposes, from dietary, to industrial, to waste disposal. 65. Your size is Medium. [75] Not only did the infighting of drow Houses paralyze the growth of their own cities,[97] but they actively undermined opportunities and chances for any form of development in order to ensure that those below them didn't gain power (and with it, the option to turn away from Lolth). They were hated and feared due to their cruelty, though some non-evil and an even smaller number of good drow existed. Even after getting used to the sunlight, drow had a strong tendency to cover their skin and head when exposed. Within a family, noble drow parents viewed their children as vehicles for their own advancement, a mindset which included sacrificing them for some potential gain. Coins glitter below the surface. Slaves were not only captured but also bred,[73] or bought from sellers like the humans of Calimshan, Thay, and the Plain of Horses, and the orcs from the North. Drow ( sing & pl; pronounced: / d r a / drow or: / d r o / dro ), also known as dark elves, deep elves, night elves, and the Dark Ones among orcs, were a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly lived in the Underdark. A barbaric stockade is set in a city square. [75] Drow were known to use their ability to read subtle markings in stone to leave secret messages. [103] They were particularly interested in the magimorphic clear black stone, because creatures with darkvision could see through it. 3: The various elemental portals. D1-2: Descent Into the Depths of the Earth is a compilation module of the first two modules in the D (Drow) series: D1 of same name and D2: Shrine of the Kuo-toa. [251], Surface drow, while ignored by others, were attractive to the merchant clans, for they represented a contact to the surface for trade. The fact that drow didn't relive memories of past lives during their trances was viewed as an indication that, unlike the elves, their souls didn't reincarnate. [22] Intellect, along with force of personality, were mental traits that had been ruthlessly selected for in their socially darwinian civilization over several generations. Fey A "Free City" inhabited by all manner of creatures, it can serve as a location to be explored by adventurers, or as great jumping off point for starting an underdark-based campaign without the complicated politics of starting PC's (particularly non-drow) in Erelhei-Cinlu. [145], The drow didn't see slaves as a valuable commodity, but as a cheaply and easily replaceable tool that they were allowed to treat cruelly and exploit at will. Select this option, and open the empty canvas. and our Other Underdark races, such as duergar, illithids and svirfneblin, can be found within the city, but typically only as merchants within the trading quarters. 81. 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