glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing for edema

All absorbent dressings maintain moist wound environment but dressings like hydrogel and glycerin magnesium sulphate provide direct moisture to the wound. Magnesium sulfate is a laxative and soaking solution. . Magnesium sulphate is a natural exfoliant and has anti- inflammatory properties. The reason of lower rate of phlebitis among age above 65 years may be due to impaired inflammatory response in the elderly that result in subtle sign and symptoms of phlebitis. MAGNOCARE WET PADS OF EPSOM SALT 33%. Under physiol- ogical conditions, the Mg2+ concentration within the cell is maintained in a relatively narrow range between 0.5 and 1 mM (Dai and Quamme, 1991; Romani and Scarpa, 2000). A decrease in Mg2+ level in the microcirculation of the cortical structures causes a rapid and progressive damage to microvessels, leading to focal haemorrhages and brain edema (Altura et al., 1991). Magnesium in the Central Nervous System [Internet]. Treatment with magnesium decreases the concentration of inflammatory cytokines and free radicals and increases antioxidant capacity and survival rate in rats (Salem et al., 1995). She was managed conservatively with analgesics, limb elevation, and glycerin magnesium sulfate dressing. The impairment of BBB integrity during sepsis has been shown in several studies, and magnesium administration in the early stages of sepsis reduced BBB permeability and brain edema (Papadopoulos et al., 2005; Esen et al., 2005). Types of illness, days of hospital stay, cannula insertion site, size of cannula and frequency of insertion shows no statistical significance so both groups are homogenously significant with P-value of (0.05). These data are mechanistically consistent with the observation that the treatment of the astrocytes with a PKC activator caused a rapid decrease in AQP-4 mRNA and that this effect was inhibited by a specific PKC inhibitor (Nakahama et al., 1999). Significantly decreased extracellular magnesium in brains of gerbils subjected to cerebral ischemia. The average score was reduced on post-treatment score in both groups. Progressive magnesium deficiency increases mortality from endotoxin challenge: protective effects of acute magnesium replacement therapy. Meanwhile, zonula occludens (ZO)-1 and ZO-2, cingulin, cadherin, cathenin, vinculin and actin constitute accessory proteins that aid in the assembly of TJs. Weglicki WB, Mak IT, Kramer JH, Dickens BF, Cassidy MM, Staord RE, Phillips TM. They identified that the higher frequency for complication was found in the age group of 30 to 60 years old [15]. Table 1. Gauze dressings dry out early and needs change 2-3 times in a day. The antioxidant action of magnesium has been reported in two recent studies (Ariza et al., 2005; Turkoglu et al., 2008), suggesting that it could protect against free radical surge associated with epileptic seizures. A growing body of evidence suggests that Mg2+ plays a pivotal role in ameliorating BBB disruption via a number of mechanisms during certain neurological diseases. Matsui T, Kobayashi H, Hirai S, Kawachi H, Yano H. Magnesium deficiency stimulated mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor-a in skeletal muscle of rats. Yes, you are! Peripheral venous catheters are commonly used in hospitals to deliver intravenous therapy [1]. relieve migraine headaches. without the prior written permission. Drug Information available for: Glycerin Magnesium Magnesium sulfate Sulfate ion. Altura BM, Gebrewold A, Zhang A, Altura BT. Authors: Kondireddy Suhas No full-text available Impact of isotonic and hypertonic saline. Patients who were not willing to participate and were under cytitoxic drugs were excluded in research. Go to Top of Page Study Description Study Design Arms and Interventions Outcome Measures Eligibility Criteria Contacts and Locations More Information. ^__^Ask about something you don't understand @_@?Compliment Say something nice! Visual infusion scale (VIP scale) used for measuring the phlebitis according to score. Soak it completely so that no part of gauze is dry, 4. Cover it well with crepe bandage, you can cover this by stockings, Avoid static isometric activities eg. The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper. Questionnaire and observation were used to collect the data regarding the prevalence of phlebitis and the effective management measure for phlebitis. The sodium channel blocker and glutamate release inhibitor BW1003C87 and magnesium attenuate regional cerebral edema following experimental brain injury in the rat. Materials and Methods: A Quasi-experimental design was carried among admitted patients in Medical-Surgical Units of BPKIHS. . Role of free radicals and substance P in magnesium deciency. Vink R, McIntosh T K, Demediuk P, Faden AI. It's available in a handy 100 gm jar that is both Australian-made and Australian owned and is Australian. Table 9 shows there is no association between the phlebitis severity score of both groups and treatment-related variables. Wolf FI, Trapani V, Simonacci M, Ferr S, Maier JAM. Incidence rate of phlebitis was associated with male sex, between 21 to 40 years of age, small Gauze catheter size, inmserted at fore arm, IV drug administration and blood product transfusion [7]. Although the effects of magnesium on BBB characteristics and the formation of brain edema in various pathophysiological conditions has not been thoroughly elucidated, the studies mentioned above suggest that magnesium provides protective effects on BBB integrity and reduces brain edema by more than one mechanism (Figure 1). In brain tissue, the barrier-type endothelial cells have a continuous basal membrane and do not exhibit fenestrations. Despite its name, Epsom salt is a completely different compound than table salt . Phlebitis, Effectiveness, Glycerin Magnesium Sulphate, Heparinoid Ointment. The difference between pre and post-treatment score was found to be significant. along the nein and swelling. Increase in the size of the stomach area. Adelaide (AU): University of Adelaide Press; 2011. In addition, the BBB harbours transport mechanisms that provide bidirectional control of exchange of nutrients, electrolytes and neurotoxins, and thus establishes an optimum milieu that is strictly essential to neuronal survival. primary physiological response to trauma, thus minimizing the barrier to wound healing an facilitates tissue repair. A study conducted in India by Saini [23] found grade 2 or mild phlebitis (46%) higher than grade 3 or moderated (44%) phlebitis. Marmarou A. Ariza AC, Bobadilla N, Fernandez C, Munoz-Fuentes RM, Larrea F, Halhali A. An elevation in free Mg2+ concentration in capillary endothelial cells increases the proliferation of endothelial cells, restores the cell's ability to generate and utilize ATP for cellular repair mechanisms, and improves disrupted BBB integrity in a variety of insults. When approximately, 95% confidence intervals were used P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Cytotoxic brain edema is characterized by sustained intracellular water accumulation, causing cellular injury in the absence of BBB damage and involving mainly astrocytes. Association of Socio-Demographic Variables and Severity Score. Table 5. The name "Epsom salt" is a nod to the town of Epsom, located a stone . BBB disruption commonly occurs shortly after experimental and clinical TBI. Magnesium and aging. Hallak M, Berman RF, Irtenkauf SM, Evans MI, Cotton DB. Early detection and appropriate interventions reduce the occurrence and severity of cannula related phlebitis. a = Mann-Whitney U Test, b = Kruskal Wallis test. Euser AG, Bullinger L, Cipolla MJ. Mg2+ has also been shown to reduce brain edema and protect brain morphology in experimental cold-injury by inhibition of lipid peroxidation (Turkoglu et al., 2008). Huang Q F, Gebrewold A, Zhang A, Altura BT, Altura BM. This finding is supported by a study by Tan [16] where found that similarly 65% mild, 19% moderate and 8% severe thrombophlebitis in the study participants. Effectiveness of Magnesium Sulphate with Glycerin and Heparinoid Ointment Application on Phlebitis. This finding is supported by a study Bare [2] who explained peripheral intravenous device (PIV)/catheters are the most commonly used intravenous device in hospitalized patients. Results: The study findings revealed significantly reduction of phlebitis score after 48 hours of treatment with both interventions. Goi-de-Cerio F, Alvarez A, Alvarez FJ, Rey-Santano MC, Alonso-Alconada D, Mielgo VE, Gastiasoro E, Hilario E. MgSO4 treatment preserves the ischemia-induced reduction in S-100 protein without modification of the expression of endothelial tight junction molecules. Saris NL, Mervaala E, Karppanen H, Khawaja JA, Lewenstam A. Magnesium: an update on physiological, clinical and analytical aspects. Pardridge WM. Peripheral vascular catheter insertion sites should be monitored at a minimum of each shift using a recognized Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) scale for measuring degrees or severity of phlebitis [3]. Check Interpret Media out if you are looking for an illustrator. The average score has been reduced on post r score in both groups score. Similarly, this study confirms the findings of some other studies as well Wait [18] that site of insertion of cannula influence phlebitis. Table 4 depicts that majority of 16% and 80% participants had pain along the pathway in MSG and HPA groups. Ethical Clearance: Written ethical clearance was obtained from Institutional Review Committee (IRC) of BPKIHS with IRC approval number IRC 143/074/075. Pharmacology of traumatic brain injury. This work and the related PDF file are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Wikkels C, Blomstrand C. Cerebrospinal fluid proteins and cells in normal-pressure hydrocephalus. Patients have VIP score 2 or above were only as study samples. The incidence of phlebitis in hospitalized patients receiving IV therapy has been reported to be as high as 80% [2]. Khan OH, Enno T, Del Bigio MR. Magnesium sulfate therapy is of mild benefit to young rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus. Amiry-Moghaddam M, Otsuka T, Hurn PD, Traystman RJ, Haug FM, Froehner SC, Adams ME, Neely JD, Agre P, Ottersen OP, Bhardwaj A. It shows that there is more reduction of VIP score in Magnesium sulphate with glycerin (MSG) group. The grading of severity of phlebitis was done based on scores obtained by using VIP scale. Papadopoulos MC, Verkman AS. Surprisingly 47 years was the mean age of respondents in both groups. In animal models, magnesium treatment has been shown to contribute to the protection of the BBB during eclampsia, to decrease the increased BBB permeability, and to prevent the development of brain edema in certain experimental settings, including acute hypertension and hypoglycemia- induced seizures (Kaya et al., 2001 and 2004; Euser et al., 2008). Glycerin, also called glycerol, can be used for both cosmetic purposes and as a treatment for medical conditions of the skin. Soak it completely so that no part of gauze is dry 4. Treatment with magnesium and MK- 801 (dizocilpine), a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, either alone or in combination, can reduce brain edema development and help to restore BBB permeability after experimental diffuse brain injury (Feng et al., 2004; Imer et al., 2009). During normal physiological processes, Mg2+ works as a voltage dependent antagonist and a noncompetitive inhibitor of the N-methyl-D- aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors and ion channels in the brain. Effectiveness: In this study, effectiveness refers to the degree of reduction in phlebitis by application of magnesium sulphate with glycerine dressing magsulf dressing and heparinoid ointment on two groups as measured in terms of Visual Infusion Phlebitis Scale (VIP Scale). Romani AM. <3Wondering what do I write? The findings from the current study show that both group all 100% participants having phlebitis were using cannula for various intravenous medications followed by 96% participants were receiving intravenous fluids and electrolytes Likewise 60% and 20% participants in MSG and HPA groups respectively were under KCL with IVF. Vink R, Cernak I. Magnesium sulphate with glycerine dressing: It refers to a gauze pad soaked in warm magnesium sulphate granules saturated with glycerin, topically applied and secured with roller bandage three times a day, continuously for two days to evaluate the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing versus heparinoid ointment application on management of peripheral cannula induced phlebitis. Coding/decoding: Serial number was given for each sample result. Heparin also has an antiphlogistic and anti-exudative effect, thus alleviating pain and promoting tissue metabolism and the process of healing [12]. Magnesium sulphate treatment decreases blood brain barrier permeability during acute hypertension in pregnant rats. Monitoring: Data was taken and sequential coding was done. Serum Mg2+ concentration normally ranges between 1.7-2.3 mEq/L in humans and may decrease during several pathological conditions (Romani and Scarpa, 2000; Musso, 2009). Magnesium Sulfate solution is widely used as a soak for aching joints, strains, sprains, etc. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is composed mainly of brain capillary endothelial cells and represents a dynamic structure that regulates the trafficking of molecules between blood and brain tissue. Sanjeevanee kelkar. On the other hand, vasogenic edema results in extracellular water accumulation in brain parenchyma through BBB disruption. Structure and function of the blood- brain barrier. Rayssiguier Y, Libako P, Nowacki W, Rock E. Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome: stress and inflammation may reflect calcium activation. Table 1 shows surprisingly 47 years was the mean age of respondents in both. Kaya M, Kk M, Bulut Kalayci R, Cimen V, Grses C, Elmas I, Arican N. Magnesium sulfate attenuates increased bloodbrain barrier permeability during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in rats. Kaya M, Gulturk S, Elmas I, Arican N, Kocyildiz ZC, Kucuk M, Yorulmaz H, Sivas A. It shows that there is more reduction of VIP score in MSG group. Musso CG. Similarly, there was no significant association between magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application on management of phlebitis with selected socio-demographic variables and cannula related factors. However, a variety of pathological conditions, such as sepsis, multiple sclerosis and epilepsia disrupt the BBB integrity and lead to the development of brain edema. In: Vink R, Nechifor M, editors. Part II: It consists of information regarding cannula and related factors. This finding of the study is being supported by the study conducted Yamber [13] on 30 ICU patients in Karnataka, which showed the difference between pre and post score was found to be significant. Table 2. Aquaporin (AQP)-4, a bidirectional transmembrane water channel expressed mainly in astrocytes and to a lesser extent in barrier type of endothelial cells and pial membranes, may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of cytotoxic and vasogenic brain edema and aggravation/resolution of ischemic and traumatic brain edema (Amiry- Moghaddam et al., 2003; Zador et al., 2009). Table 9. To make and apply an Epsom salt paste, follow these steps: In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin with 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt until it forms a paste. The observation that blockade of NMDA or AMPA receptors could attenuate BBB disruption in focal cerebral ischemia suggest that ionotropic glutamate receptors are involved, at least partly, in BBB disruption (Liu et al., 2010). Dysfunctional cell-cell signaling in the neurovascular unit as a paradigm for central nervous system disease. Association between socio-demographic variables and severity score (n = 50). Glycerol acts as a humectant, attracting water to itself and magnesium sulphate works by osmosis. Glycerine soothes the irritated skin so it is used as a component of cough mixtures. Libien J, Sacktor TC, Kass IS. You are a brilliant mind. Klatzo I. Presidental address: neuropathological aspects of brain edema. Feeling of leg heaviness. Copyright 2023 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. However, owing to the availability of limited knowledge, it is hard to come to a full understanding of the highly specific actions of magnesium on BBB integrity and brain edema in the course of a variety of pathophysiologies involving the BBB. Unterberg AW, Stover J, Kress B, Kiening KL. The result is an alcohol-based product that is an ingredient in many skin-care products. Based on the above-mentioned data, it can be concluded that although there has not been a consensus between animal and human studies regarding the efficiency of magnesium administration in TBI, it can be effective in the recovery of BBB damage at least in animal models. In addition to the stimulatory effect of Mg2+ on endothelial cell migration and proliferation, the observation that high Mg2+ concentration facilitates the re-endothelialization of vascular injuries may also provide new insights into the role of Mg2+ in angiogenesis (Maier et al., 2004). Ravishankar S, Ashraf QM, Fritz K, Mishra OP, Delivoria-Papadopoulos M. Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 proteins during hypoxia in cerebral cortical neuronal nuclei of newborn piglets: effect of administration of magnesium sulfate. Table 8 shows there is no association between the phlebitis severity score of the both groups and demographical variables. similarly mild 53.6% and very mild 37%where found on study conducted by Oliveira and Parreira [22] [24]. Finally, alterations in endothelial cells, which are protagonists in the vascular changes during inflammation, are reversible upon magnesium supplementation (Mazur et al., 2007). The finding is consistent with that of study conducted in Intensive care unit (ICU) of Susa city Hospital conducted on 224 patients. The present study demonstrates that there is a statistically significant difference in VIP score among the participants in magnesium sulphate with glycerin group and heparinoid ointment groups after each intervention (P < 0.05). The latter can be the water absorption paper towel, gauze, or medical using dressing. Socio-demographic characteristics of the participants (n = 50). Altura BM, Gebrewold A, Altura BT, Gupta RK. Both procedure were repeated 3 times a day at interval of 8 hours continuously for 2 days. Simple random sampling technique was used to allocate the wards to each interventional group and purposive sampling technique to select samples where instruments baseline Performa and observation scale was used to collect data. This is wrong method.Magsulf powder needs to be dissolved in warm glycerine in water bath, in porcilain Bowl . Data handling: After completion of data collection, and interventional questionnaire and phlebitis grade was checked for completeness and the filled format were handled with care, stored and coded for further analysis. Out of 100 hospitalized patients at any given time, 7 in developed and 10 in developing countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection [6]. To find out the association between magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing and heparinoid ointment application on management of phlebitis with selected socio-demographic variables. 25 participants in Group A (application of Magnesium sulphate with glycerin). Taniguchi M, Yamashita T, Kumura E, Tamatani M, Kobayashi A, Yokawa T, Maruno M, Kato A, Ohnishi T, Kohmura E, Tohyama M, Yoshimine T. Induction of aquaporin-4 water channel mRNA after focal cerebral ischemia in rat. Salem M, Kasinski N, Munoz R, Chernow B. Transient receptor potential melastatin 6 and 7 channels, magnesium transport, and vascular biology: implications in hypertension. The average score has been reduced on post-test score in both groups. Cannula related factors of the participants (n = 50). It is composed of three carbon atoms, five hydrogen atoms, and three hydroxy or OH groups [9]. Eect of magnesium on traumatic brain edema in rats. Temkin NR, Anderson GD, Winn HR, Ellenbogen RG, Britz GW, Schuster J, Lucas T, Newell DW, Manseld PN, Machamer JE, Barber J, Dikmen SS. The authors showed that the increased serum Mg2+ concentrations yielded only a marginal increase of total and ionized Mg2+ in CSF and they concluded that the regulation of magnesium by the constituents of the BBB remains largely intact following brain injuries. Swelling was observed in 72% and 88% in MSG and HPA groups respectively. Susanna, Sr. Winnifred D'Souza(2014), Malarvizhi, to identify the effectiveness of fresh aloevera and glycerin magnesium sulphate application on phlebitis among children.. to be significant. Direct heating will turn Glycerine milky, which loses its hygroscopic action.Direct magsulf crystals cause skin problems.Dr. In addition, magnesium treatment protects the blood-spinal cord barrier, improves clinical recovery, and preserves normal spinal cord ultrastructure in experimental spinal cord injury in rats (Kaptanoglu et al., 2003). Role of brain [Mg2+]i in alcohol-induced hemorrhagic stroke in a rat model: a 31P-NMR in vivo study. Keywords: Glycerin magnesium sulphate dressing, Phlebitis patients, Peripheral Intravenous infusion, Effectiveness. Meanwhile, magnesium deficiency leads to or worsens a variety of central nervous system pathologies by increasing inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species and disturbing the activity of transporters in neurons, astrocytes, pericytes and capillary endothelial cells, which together constitute the neurovascular unit of the brain. There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. It plays a fundamental role in a wide range of cellular events, biochemical reactions and physiological functions, by activating over 325 enzyme systems, including those involved in ATP synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, K+ and Ca2+ transport, cell proliferation and membrane stability and function (Grubbs and Maguire, 1987; Saris et al., 2000; Wolf and Trapani, 2008; Barbagallo and Dominguez, 2010). Phlebitis is the most common complication of intravenous therapy. =DBe a good critic and correct us if something went wrong :|Go ahead. Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio), 2. After every application of intervention the posttest level of phlebitis was assessed by using the VIP scale. Effects of blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors on blood- brain barrier disruption in focal cerebral ischemia. Only in some participants palpable venous cord and pyrexia was present in both groups. Similarly, majority of participants 72% and 84% in MSG group and HPA group respectively were married. Data was entered in MS Excel with the help of concerned people, guide and co-guide. Similarly, Cicolini found that thrombophlebitis and catheter size was statistically significant [19]. Magnesium sulphate with glycerine dressing: It refers to a gauze pad soaked in warm magnesium sulphate granules saturated with glycerin, topically applied and secured with roller bandage three times a day, continuously for two days to evaluate the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerin dressing versus heparinoid ointment application Table 8. Insect bites. However there are no more studies to support this finding. On the day of cannula removal, the phlebitis was assessed using the VIP score (pretest). It has been reported that Mg2+ exerts neuroprotective effects in an anoxic insult by improving the recovery of synaptic transmission and blocking the loss of protein kinase C (PKC) (Libien et al., 2005). Magnesium therapy has been shown to be effective in a variety of animal models of experimental BBB disruption. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is constituted primarily of brain capillary endothelial cells and is a pre- requisite for the maintenance of brain homeostasis that is essential for optimal brain function. A 1999 study published in "Biology of the Neonate" found that when pregnant rats were given a magnesium-deficient diet, the mortality rate of their pups increased. But finally after comparison, Ichthammol glycerin was found as more effective for the management of phlebitis. Skin that holds a dimple, also known as pitting, after it's been pressed for a few seconds. Systemic delivery of Mg2+ may constitute an alternative approach in the future, both to improve BBB integrity and to decrease brain edema in the course of a variety of diseases involving brain tissue. One of the major mechanisms responsible for the pharmacological action of Mg2+ is blockage of NMDA or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole-4-proprionic acid (AMPA) channels/ receptors in cerebral vascular system as well as brain parenchyma (Huang et al., 1994). Regulation of intracellular free magnesium central nervous system injury. Cytokines, neuropeptides, and reperfusion injury during magnesium deficiency. Comparison of the effectiveness of magnesium sulphate with glycerine and heparinoid ointment application on phlebitis with comparison with baseline score. The guideline for the prevention of catheter-related infections has been developed for practitioners who insert catheters and for those who are responsible for surveillance and control of infections in the hospital, the outpatient, and home healthcare settings [8]. Edema and brain trauma. Comment all you like here! Similarly, a study conducted in KU Nepal by Singh [7] found very mild (40%) and mild (11.3%) grades were seen to the higher than moderate (3.9%) and severe (3.9%) phlebitis. Magnesium ion (Mg2+), the most abundant divalent cation in living cells, exists not only in the intracellular compartment but also in circulation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The role of magnesium in edema and blood brain barrier disruption. Although the BBB appears to possess a static structure, it has the ability to adapt readily to sudden changes. Table 6. Lscher W, Potschka H. Blood-brain barrier active efflux transporters: ATP-binding cassette gene family. Cell membranes have a particularly low permeability to Mg2+ and hence the ion moves slowly between intracellular and interstitial compartments. prevent seizures caused by preeclampsia and eclampsia. It absorbs the edema or liquid within the . Incidence of phlebitis in children receiving intravenous therapy has been reported to be as high as 71.25%. This pulls salt and excess fluids out of your body, helping relieve swelling. Association between cannula related factors and severity of phlebitis (n = 50). An alpha- syntrophin-dependent pool of AQP4 in astroglial end- feet confers bidirectional water flow between blood and brain. Eclampsia is a serious hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with seizures and associated BBB disruption and vasogenic edema in a similar manner to that observed in hypertensive encephalopathy (Schwartz et al., 2000; Euser and Cipolla, 2009). A Quasi-experimental design was used for the study. reduce . [. A study conducted by Singh, on 230 admitted clients in Dhulikhel Teaching Hospital Nepal resulted that in 59.1% development of phlebitis mostly very mild in nature. Reduction in brain intracellular free Mg2+ is also associated with brain intracellular acidosis and a concomitant reduction of brain energy stores (Vink et al., 1988; Altura et al., 1995). Energy depletion followed by a failure of the Na+- K+ ATPase plays a major role in the pathogenesis of cytotoxic brain edema, and increased uptake of Na+ into the cell cannot be equilibrated by the defective pump. The present study shows that majority of 16% and 80% participants had pain along the pathway in MSG and HPA groups respectively, followed by 44% and 20% pain in cannula insertion site in MSG and HPA groups respectively. Stretched or shiny skin. Take magnesium sulphate granules and mix it with glycerine using one finger (20 gm MgSO4: 100 ml Glycerine ratio). Besides, the alterations in the Mg2+ concentration in intra- and extracellular fluids are associated with development or aggravation of BBB disruption and brain edema in various clinical disorders and experimental settings. Analysis of the brain bioavailability of peripherally administered magnesium sulfate: a study in humans with acute brain injury undergoing prolonged induced hypermagnesemia. Medicinal forms. groups. Cellular Elements of the Blood-Brain Barrier. (:PS: We have moderated comments to reduce spam. Take thin layer of gauze piece and soak it in the solution just made, 3. Table 1 Results of investigations in case 1 and case 2 Usually applied to boils and carbuncles, the cooling, white paste helps the skin heal so it pushes areas of infection up and out. So from study finding, it is supposed that gender has no significant role in phlebitis. Magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection after traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled trial. Nag S, Manias JL, Stewart DJ. This finding is supported by study conducted in India where they found that incidence of phlebitis is lower in patients older than 60 years than below 60 years Cicolini [14] also reported equal numbers of participants 24% were from below 25 years, 46 - 65 and >65 years of age group in MSG group.

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