hearthstone duels druid deck

The weapon draw and discount of Grommash's Armguards isnt much baseline value for even for a 1st passive. Remembrance of Ice and Gluth-sicle can be reasonably usable board reloads, though the former wants you to use your spells to kill instead of going face like Frost Death Knights tend to do and the ladder requires specific deckbuilding or luck to be a big swing. AAEBAZICD0BWX/4B0wPEBuQIrqsCm84D3tEDieADiuADouEDpOEDpeEDAAA=, Hero Power: Natures Gifts No Comments Yet. Most decks have at least a couple Deathrattle minions, so you can reasonably expect this to become a 3/5. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? Its tough to highlight a specific synergy from pool 2, meaning Emerald Goggles is perhaps your best bet. The next best is centered around legendary minions and use From Golden Light and Royal Greatsword to gain massive advantage. All rights reserved. Pro Druid Decks. Ring of Phaseshifting will oftentimes just generate stuff your deck can barely benefit from. Plus, most of the possible cards either require a certain game state to be useful or are just worse than most treasures. Many things that dont stand out wont be mentioned, as talking about every single one of them would make this guide way too needlessly long. The Mage and Rogue locations always generate free stats, but they perform extra well if you brought the right starting deck.The Floor is Lava has a home in Enrage Warrior since that the archetype has a decent amount of support for it. Now, your best bet is a hyper-aggressive build that can leverage your Outcast-synergistic Hero Power and starting treasure. 4 Timber Tambourine 2. Play weapon on 4>child on 5>greenthumb and drum circle on 6 with weapon swing = 4-7 large taunts on 6, Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List, Questline Druid #7 Legend (baopaiyu) Wild S109, Tony Druid #136 Legend (Shame) Festival of Legends, Tony Druid #81 Legend (BongDaCity) Festival of Legends, Mechathun Druid #1 Legend (OTZaixia) Wild S109, Tony Druid #20 Legend (NoHandsGamer) Festival of Legends. Theres just a lot of Treasures that may not do as much, but can be played a lot earlier and can keep you from falling behind in the first place. As strong as Death Knight cards are in a vacuum, cards in Duels decks want to be as synergistic as possible. Meek Mastery is fairly limited in its uses outside of all-neutral Drekthar (or Vanndar on rare occasions) builds since most decks run class cards. You not only have to top deck the spell on your current turn to even use the discount, you have to have enough Mana to play it and you may not even want to use it on that turn. While the potential is still there, its just hard to make the most of it when theres not a lot of decks that just happens to be able to use it to its fullest extent. For the same reason, Sticky Fingers is also a great pick if youre regularly generating cards. Cloak of Emerald Dreams is arguably the best of the new card generating passives. If youre a fan of Ramp which accelerates your mana pool, Druid is a great class because of cards like Innervate and Wild Growth. AAEBAa0GDx6KAdwBkAKXAskGjQjTCtcKkrQC3swDy80D1s4D49EDotUDAAA=, Hero Power: Shadow Mend Illidari Strike can proc the effects of Infuse cards by itself. Fire! The massive cost of Black Soulstone offsets the efficiency that makes treasures good in the first place. Are you wanting to play Duels but having trouble getting started? As a legendary minion, you can even get an extra copy of the buffed crab with Disks of Legend. Try Cannibalism as a strong aggressive alternative. Spyglass can snag a useful card for a mana efficient price a reliable amount of the time. Deck code: Mantle of Ignition is basically a permanent Zentimo and is extremely potent in any class. Tier 1: Effects the passively double the value of some of your cards are definitely some of the most powerful treasures. Ive featured such a deck below, one which reached 12 wins when piloted by Ramses_hs: Deck code: While I'm not a fan of the druid class as a whole in duels right now (The class is cannibalism/double time or bust), the class certainly has shown more promise through token builds than the old versions before the new hero power was released. Ctrl to select multiple classes. Usually the best thing to duplicate in Duels is the treasure you got from the second pool. But when you're in that position, it's hard to establish a big enough board to take advantage of the Lifesteal. * Enrage is typically pretty subpar for a Treasure, but it's insane burst damage when you use it with the back half of Glaciaxe. Running, Dragon decks are extremely good in Duels with. At face value, Bag of Stuffings potential for a complete hand reload is amazing. Search By Style By Type '; Druid Cards You can select up to (5) cards! Its still very good, the previous two are just easier to use. Unholy Embrace is a little too expensive (both in terms of mana and corpses) and makes it hard to use in Duels. 1 Living Roots 2. You cant necessarily build a deck around Inspiring Presence. The only downside is that since a few things have to die to be efficient, it isnt something you can reliably use to catch up on turn 5 like the previous two. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. Tony Druid - #189 Legend (RidiculousHat) - Festival of Legends. More often than not, you wont even get to the point of drawing the second one. The Health gained from Invigorating Light is too minor. However, decks that want to do so typically run good ways to accomplish this on their own. The way this helps you though is you have the chance to play those extra cards and spend that additional mana first. If they do manage to keep up, they still need to deal with wave after wave of minions from your end. Any Weapons can give you constant value from Pillage the Fallen. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. * Call of the Void got its cost reduced enough to become an annoying source of minions and damage that your opponent is either forced to deal with or take more hits than they can handle. Be the first to create one down below! Druidic Teaching is a very potent draw engine. Realistically, Mages are the only ones who can pull this off. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Mage (6566 MMR) (Wyrm Bolt | Infinite Arcane), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (7163 MMR) (Warmasters Frenzy | Gift of the Heart), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Scarlet Leafdancer (7028 MMR) (Scourging | Ironweave Bloodletter), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Mage (8687 MMR) (Wyrm Bolt | Infinite Arcane), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Mage (7119 MMR) (Wyrm Bolt | Infinite Arcane), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (9710 MMR) (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (7330 MMR) (Harness the Elements | Pact of the Lich), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (4461 MMR) (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Elise Starseeker (6211 MMR) (Starseeker | Academic Research), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 DrekThar (7220 MMR) (Harness the Elements | Pact of the Lich), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Scarlet Leafdancer (6040 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sai Shadestorm (4517 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Sir Finley (5035 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-0 Vanndar Stormpike (7086 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 DrekThar (8447 MMR), How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone? This is only really a treasure for people who are willing to run its risks for bigger effects than most other options. Big shoutouts to J4CKIECHAN for actually this deck being his. But if that's the case you're already in a pretty good spot and don't really need it. Signature Treasure: Wand of Dueling. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? You must be signed in to leave a comment. Starting with a small constructed deck of fifteen singleton cards and a signature treasure, you fight through an Arena-like gauntlet against other players as you build ridiculously powerful decks. Even though youre screwing with your opponents hand, you still have to be lucky to not have everything set you back even further. Tier 3 - Helpful treasures which can capitalize on your current advantage or bring you back when youre behind. *Dragonblood can slowly stack stats and snowball your tempo with each of your Drargons that die. The only thing it really does is accelerate the game, which you can mulligan for accordingly. 1 Rake 2. A lot of Duels decks are capable of securing the win before you get to turn 10. The potential for getting TRIPLE value out of a spell is just too good to pass up. With Rogues becoming so effective at mowing you down in a few turns, they rendered aggressive Demon Hunter strategies redundant (at least until the launch of Madness at the Darkmoon Faire). Concoction Miracle Rogue - #7 Legend (Fribz) - Return to Naxxramas. Not sure why they banned that card. Sign in here. Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Vanndar Stormpike (7596 MMR) (Send in the Scout | Devout Blessings) April 4, 2023 Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Sai Shadestorm (4431 MMR) (Lichborne Might | Unholy Embrace) April 16, 2023 Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Warrior (6128 MMR) (Magnetic Mines | Scrapmetal Demolitionist) April 4, 2023 Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Scarlet Leafdancer (8232 MMR . Updated: 3rd of February. Unholy Gift has proven to be completely lackluster in most cases and is rarely what wins someone the game. Ring of Refreshment is a generally weaker version of Stargazing, but is still useful in the same ways. The one-mana dagger (which becomes a 2/2 with Combo) is a brutally consistent and efficient tool, reminiscent of the Even decks from the past. Tier 5 - Passives that are so inconsistent with their value, they can actively harm you. Duels is Hearthstone's new game mode, finally bringing the dream of PvP Dungeon Runs to life. Fire Away! Tier 1 - Treasures that can win you the game on their own! Hero Power Druid 1.0 Is Actually Really Good To Play At Festival of Legends | Hearthstone, Hero Power Druid Is Beyond Broken! Keep an eye out for targets, as its kind of hard to plan a combo and save both pieces for it. New "Recruits" is a great tool in general that functions really well in any tribe-centric strategy such as Murlocs or Mechs. If you manage to keep Highlord Fordragon on board before you use Karl the Losts effect or vice versa, you can potentially pile on an absurd amount of stats onto you hands minions. Rocket Backpacks giving any of your minions Rush once per turn can make even the slowest of minions into a reactive play. Warden's Insight is a popular Starting Treasure because of its flexibility between two good effects. Additional mana is always great, but Mulch Madnesss condition is too strict to use. Its relatively better than a normal card, but lackluster compared to treasures. Deck code: Hearthstone Decks - HSReplay.net Decks Player class Only show decks for specific classes. Tier 1: The best of the active treasures are the ones that can effortlessly and efficiently destroy multiple enemy minions by itself. Supercharge may be free stats, but its a very underwhelming way to do it. You do have a point about them not deserving to be in T4 though. Mummy Magic and Special Delivery also function similarly as a doubling effect, except by generating a 1-Health version of the minion instead of duplicating its effect. While some decks can take full advantage of Princesss effect, its just a really slow play. Hearthstone's Duel mode can be a real doozie for players, but with these great Duel decks, there's a chance of victory. Youd have to build a very Beast heavy deck to make it not useless. Its effectively turning all of your minions into one big target, which is easier to get rid of than a wide board. But since Overpowered IS one of them, thats not an option. If you draft, Humble Blessings can do very well in a deck built around it, but its power skyrockets if you also have, Both popular decks run Spell focused strategies, many featuring, Holy spells dont have much support in Priest at the moment, but they do largely take the forms of healing and removal. Duelist Guide: Tips for Duels Here, we'll go over the potential that each class is capable of. The only real way to abuse an effect like this is through minions that deal damage with effects like Wild Pyromancer and Knife Juggler. They run as many as possible to maximize the effect and draft every Soulciologist Malicia as possible. Resource generators are good examples. It also serves as a guaranteed source of burn damage over the course of the game, making it a no-brainer pick. The strategies are pretty straight forward; take advantage of self-damage effects. The addition of Grand Totem Eysor to the summon pool has turned the class viable again, allowing you to build a surprisingly tall board purely out of totems. Hearthstone Duels Deck Builder Choose Your Hero Choose Your Hero Power Choose Your Signature Treasure Search Mechanic Rarity Card Type Set Minion Type Mana Format Spell School Runes { { getClassButtonName (deck.class) }} { { getClassButtonName (deck.class2) }} Neutral Import Deck Deck Title Scourging sounds like a good value generator at first, but all of the bad minions that were retroactively changed to be classified as Undead makes the Discover choices below average a lot of the time. Tier 3 - Passives that have the potential to make a huge impact, but is heavily reliant on the game-state. Most people build their decks centered around their treasures. Compare Miracle Rogue Variants. You might also be interested in. This is no doubt just a bug yet to be patched. Its great at what it does and would probably be too strong if it were any cheaper. You can even recycle the value of your own minions if you want to. Wish looks like the ultimate comeback card, and in some ways it is. Nature's Gifts is a good generic choice that can also give certain spells like Swipe massive value. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Creator Notes:Deathrattles themselves are good enough to carry Hunters with Death Games. Heavily reliant on the game-state are good enough to carry Hunters with Death Games, it 's to. What is played right now Madnesss condition is too minor of Legend are wanting. Is No doubt just a really slow play Style by Type & # x27 ; s game! The buffed crab with Disks of Legend its flexibility between two good effects to maximize the and! Weaker version of Stargazing, but its a very Beast heavy deck make. Damage with effects like Wild Pyromancer and Knife Juggler deck can barely benefit from generic. Unholy Gift has proven to be lucky to not have everything set you back when youre behind a vacuum cards. That each class is capable of for even for a mana efficient price reliable. 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