mahjong cheat sheet

The types of tiles you've collected determine how many chips the other players have to pay you. Whoever's score reaches zero or less first loses the Mahjong Special Hands Reference Sheet | Mahjong Browse Forums GeekLists Shopping Community Help Sign In Join (it's free)! For drawing the winning tile from the wall, For going Mah Jong with the only possible tile, Pung or Kong of the player's own Wind (concealed or exposed), Pung or Kong of the prevailing Wind (concealed or exposed), All one suit and some Dragons and/or Winds, All major tiles and some Dragons and/or Winds, Going Mah Jong with the last tile from the wall. hand. Luckily, we now have a lot of resources in English to learn how to play, and how to get better. /Length 79 (11-12 Fans): Final Score is 3x Mangan. Example - You are holding a 7 Balls and an 8 Balls. For just US$25.99 (with free shipping in North America) you get the following: - 4 double sided "cheat sheets" - 4 double sided scoring sheets with doubling table 456) Any one of these tiles must be paired. A triplet of wind tiles that matches the round wind (east or south) forms a yaku. 0000001975 00000 n *Lg/v"??yy+;+p1xX^\>U>UIE This is made Free riichi mahjong tools in English are in demand now more than ever. Want to hear whenever there's new mahjong content? This reference sheet is also available as a PDF, a 4-up PDF, and as an ODT. `The Penguin' says by tPenguinLTG /Type /XObject Your hand is no longer viable. /ColorSpace /DeviceGray So far, we've discussed the various tiles and how to read the card to determine the winning combinations. Ron. Tenhou HD Special Version with English Translation. true compass directions--they are symbolic names for the four wind directions, Seven pairs of tiles in any two out of the three suits. of Bamboos. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. These instructionsare based on the American version of Mah Jongg whichcontainsJokers. match. Since the numbers are in a different color than the dragons, you may assume they have to be different suits. I know you like anime, so Ill also recommend Saki if youre interested in watching some epic Japanese mahjong play (youll enjoy it even if you dont know how to play). If youve ever played rummy, its similar. Colors and notes help define the hand specifically. To improve your Tile Efficiency skills, there's this amazing Tile Efficiency Trainer that will guide you discard by discard to show you what the widest discard was. You will need to purchase your own from the NMJL. Mahjong is a game for 2,3, or 4 players - usually played by 4 as individuals. I have to add one mandatory disclaimer tho: this tool should only be trusted for basic efficiency, as it will not take into account hand value or more complex nuances (such as considering final shape, or hand improvements); it's all about the widest tile acceptance for the next shanten for each discard. This often confuses beginners, and it would certainly help to avoid confusion if the NMJL would mark these with a space between each tile on the card. and a pair. This article will cover all the basics required to learn American Mah Jongg. This section will cover the general order of play. Your Wind. Players who want to improve their mahjong game in the shortest amount of time possible, whether online or offline, can benefit from the following mahjong tools and apps. endobj A mahjong table is indispensable to play the game no matter what rules youre adopting. When this happens, the player stops participating in the game (ie, they can't pick from the wall, discard or call tiles) and the game continues with the remaining players. This means a group of tiles (Characters, Sticks, or Balls) like the 3-4-5 of Sticks or 6-7-8 of Balls. In many cases, only the winner scores, with the winner's gain being deducted from the three losers' scores (that is, the losers pay the winner). This add-on also adds a numeric index to the tiles. You cannot call a tile for a concealed hand UNLESS this is the last tile you need to complete Mah Jongg. has designed a double sided specialty hand "cheat" sheet and double sided scoring and doubling sheet. One of my readers created a compact cheat sheet to help beginners, modifying my Help Sheet above. Try Ozball's Mahjong Wait Quiz! 2 pts Pon. You'll get access to a ton of additional content, and you will also be supporting all my efforts to increase the number of mahjong players, riichi mahjong tools and other resources in English! When the hand is over, the winner gets one point if they have NO flowers at all, or one point for any flower whose value matches their Seat. To make matters worse, a new card is published each year. 5i ;Nb@^zggqIfaAF[6ha1hX10>L@ ` gB endstream endobj 80 0 obj 238 endobj 67 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 60 0 R /Resources 68 0 R /Contents 72 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 68 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT2 69 0 R /TT4 74 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 75 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 70 0 R >> >> endobj 69 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 122 /Widths [ 250 333 408 0 500 0 778 180 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 0 564 0 0 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /BDCIHM+TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 71 0 R >> endobj 70 0 obj [ /ICCBased 77 0 R ] endobj 71 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2000 1007 ] /FontName /BDCIHM+TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 94 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 76 0 R >> endobj 72 0 obj << /Length 1207 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream Players shuffle the tiles, cast the dice, and perform rituals involving the allocation of tiles. The program helped them learn by giving English tooltips on the tiles and disallowing illegal actions. which allows the declaration of another Kong and then draws a tile 300 pts may be given for each 100 pt stick on table. Once you have exposed, you can edit this exposure (for instance, from a pung to a kong) until you discard a tile. 4444). I focused on three basic requirements to include a resource in this list: These top 10 mahjong tools are the best of their genre, free and in English. when your hand is worth 5 fans or less, neglecting the 2 fans 32 pts, Pair. Simples. Sets are combinations of 3 or 4 tiles, and pairs are a pair of the same tile. Here we will need to use one suit for the 2s and 4s, another suit for 6s and 8s and dragons should match the 3rd suit. TAi LG#(e D cBY(` f9(`._4` BTbhXg4T,Ce QE'T`%8 X F`5 p$(5&#Q-ZG 1 P]Tx4`j}& D$;Ph MMW Page 2 of 8 3 Suits Bamboos (Bams) #1 to #9 (4 tiles of each) match with Green Dragons 36 tiles 4 tiles #1 Bam looks like a bird, also called . For instance, your exposures indicate you can only be playing one particular hand, and that hand requires a pair of North winds. Rarely, a player may be Calling after his first discard. Too many tiles in one suit and suddenly you are lost what tiles are you waiting on!? Dora : This is the tile indicated by Each player has a wind There are 3 types of dragons: Green Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon (also called Soap). That score is added to After declaring Reach, you can no longer discard any of the 13 pts may be given for each 100 pt stick on table. It can be somewhat addictive you have been warned! The other advantage for Tenhou is that it will log your games into replay files so that you can later share them with someone stronger than you to get Game Reviews. wall in subsequent turns. Typically, there are four players seated around a table, although two or three people can also play. of Reach Sticks on table. Players discarding the winning tile may be penalized. 45 0 obj Pungs/Kongs of any one suit and a pair. o#5| A]+3rUt+>Ku0wy][HC8V4p3q;`DbA4;Q6}}};Fk9h>O7{{2_"=2 40hDF&dhF @+1hGvCI( t#7d;RP Once these have been mastered, please check out our Complete Guide to American Mah Jongg Strategydocument for tips on strategic decision-making. a mutually-acceptable method of determining who gets to sit in which seat. Unluckily, it can be hard to know which one is the best. It does not disappoint. Kong. If so, this article is perfect for you. Seven Pairs. Concealed. Your basic aim is to get four sets (the three listed at the bottom of the sheet) and a pair. When you're just starting out and you need some quick mahjong practice, be sure to give this free tool a few hours of love. Earth's blessing Mah-Jong immediately made by West, North or South using the first discard made by East. In short, for playing online, you usually want to download Mahjong Soul. W#~boO~ocp,,\S2; hTr :>: ~D_ (8-10 Fans): Final Score is 2x Mangan. it is the Moon which allows the player to go Mah Jong. 0000043773 00000 n If a player calls a discarded tile and its the last tile needed to complete their hand, they would call "Mah Jongg" and place all their tiles on top of their rack (so that others can verify the hand is indeed valid). Kong : Set of 4 identical tiles (Ex. There are 3 suits (cracks, dots and bams) and the numbers run from 1 to 9. for a Kong, a Flower or a Season and that tile is the Plum Blossom The racking of a tile is the signal that the previously discarded tile can no longer be called. Tenhou's ranking system does an excellent job of separating beginner players from intermediate and advanced players. 65 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 67 /H [ 760 351 ] /L 126950 /E 53771 /N 12 /T 125532 >> endobj xref 65 16 0000000016 00000 n Price: Free. For learning the rules, watch the 3 hour YouTube video (if you dare!). Some hands are marked with an X (which means exposed) and some with a C, which denotes a concealed hand. This adds an interesting twist to the game since you have to know the card well enough to be able to quickly pattern-match with the tiles you're dealt. When it is your turn (either naturally based on order, or because you've just called a tile), you may swap an exposed joker for the corresponding tile in your rack. Change). All these combinations are equally valid. %PDF-1.3 No Winds or Dragons. You can still enjoy a full-English Tenhou experience. Mahjong is played with 136 tiles. and a pair. (26-38 Fans): Final Score is 2x Yakuman. To learn how to play, you must first be able to identify and understand each mahjong tile. Lastly, the 2-han minimum rule requires that winning hands be worth at least 2-han. This reference sheet is intended for Chinese Classical mahjong, but since Chinese Classical is the most basic of versions, it can be adapted to teach the basics of any version. A Mah Jong made Due to the intended direction of Tenhou by the developing team, the Yaku names haven't been translated and were kept in the original Japanese, but there's a way to set them to English which I'll explain further down below. Pungs/Kongs of all three Dragons, another Pung/Kong Other servers are not as competitive, so feel free to play in different servers for fun and stick primarily to Tenhou as your means of facing increasingly stronger opponents. Download these Mah-Jong score sheets if you do not have tallies with your set. Some online games have their own rules as well. Baiman [] Stones Stones is one of the Mahjong suits which feature round shapes that represent coins on each tile. I worked with other people on this project as well, so that it's now also available in Chinese, Korean, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Italian and German! A concealed Pung of Ones, a concealed Pung of Nines, <> )h* C4t`pj}ZlCm (p&pAg Q;pepu< These instructions have been field tested by teachers andgratefulbeginners whopraise their usefulness and merits. Objective: The objective of each hand is to create a winning hand, with the main rule consisting of having four sets and one pair.The objective of the game is to win as many rounds as you can through scoring, having the highest score at the end of the game. The image version is two 1080p images, the first being a list of yaku (I posted this one earlier to this sub) and the second being a scoring guide and table. Total is your hand score. Simples. HW[o8~) Each losing player pays any other losing player with a greater value These variations in games include their specified scoring. Whether you're new to the game or an expert player who wants something new and exciting to learn, there are plenty of amazing tools here! The Dutch mahjong rules (NTS) are intended for 4 players. Tiles are initially picked from East's (partial) wall, then from the next wall (in clockwise order), East takes 2 more tiles from the wall (the first and third on top of the wall) and other players (in counter-clockwise order) pick 1 tile each, East now has 14 tiles and the other players have 13, Tiles are placed on the tilted side of each player's rack (visible only to them), All players pass 3 tiles to the player on their right, All players pass 3 tiles to the player across from them. Pair. ?&]3]/)K|Yy&ZGe}m- zkvx~Am8"+9lLZE|xouV*t]rZ%yZ/^a{ You can make a Pong from the fresh tiles you pick up, or from a tile discarded by ANY other player IF (and only if) you are already holding 2 of the 3 needed tiles. For instance, a winning hand could be a pair of 2-dots, a pair of 4-dots, a pung of 6-cracks, a pung of 8-cracks and a kong of green dragons. Classic 144. PDF (Portrait, one sided or Landscape, two sided): Images: So you cannot use a joker for these. Pre-subscribe to the upcoming newsletter and I will email you what you always wanted to know about Japanese mahjong before anybody else! /Length 45 So, make sure to read the notes carefully. >> W ]mx Ron. When dragons are included in a combination and they are marked in the same color as the rest of the hand, they need to match the suit used: In this example, all characters and numbers are in the same color, so they need to be in the same suit, with matching dragons. If players run out of tiles from the wall before someone reaches Mah Jongg, the game results in a draw. Well cover the various aspects in a little more details below. Here are some resources to learn more: Complete Guide to American Mah Jongg Strategy, N, E, W, S: North, East, West & South winds, A pung of West winds will be represented as WWW, A quint of flowers will be represented as FFFFF, Some cards also include a section based on, In each section, a hand may also include dragons and/or flowers. The Mahjong set also contains 8 optional tiles - 4 Flowers and 4 Seasons. /Subtype /Image Example - You are holding a pair of the 9 Characters. This "set" still counts as if it were only 3 tiles. 4 pts Pon. 0000001412 00000 n using the first discard made by East. With Mahjong Soul you get the whole package: And they're constantly adding many more features. of fans you have is of concerned: Haneman [ or There is also a prevailing wind for each round (Top A scoring hand typically contains 4 sets and a pair. cheet sheet Chinese Total score is rounded up to nearest 100th. Simples. PDF (Portrait, one sided or Landscape, two sided):, Images: - 6 if you were dealer. I replaced some of the terms with ones that I usually use (e.g. The Charleston is unique to American Mah Jongg and involves passing unwanted tiles between players in the following fashion: If all players agree, another Charleston is conducted, starting with a pass to the left this time. .. . Total score is rounded up to The original Chinese game allowed only a few special hands but some Western derivatives controversially include many more. z_ _ED1:z Co`g-6;;w7= ~>>D' ?aSil? Back when I had just started playing mahjong I'd play against this CPU for several hours, sometimes all night. 2013-2018, tPenguinLTG. The object of the game is to arrange the tiles into "sets". There are sets that come with Arabic numerals engraved on them, most notably the American sets, but its better and not that hard to just learn to recognize the tiles. 438 5 pts It includes scoring, rules, yaku and translations. If you haven't already, I highly recommend that you give it a download. How about a random post? With some adjustments one could also play NTS Mahjong with 3 or 2 players, or even with 1 player. I admit I'm not too active on the channel, but still the active mods and admins are amazing people, the members are awesome and I gurantee you will have a great time! All in the manageable size of: Only 2 pages! Then the exchange of tiles begins. Honors/Terminals. The cards change yearly. As a Professional Riichi Mahjong Player in Japan with over 10 years of experience, I curated each category to find only the absolute best free tools for Japanese mahjong in English. Just click on the link. You will become a Chin Itsu Master within weeks. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to discuss the various payout options. You can choose between Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Korean and many more incoming. WP Stats Sparkline script updated to v1.2.0, Editor script v1.5.0; Migrating to Firefox 57. These differences are irrelevant for American Mah Jongg and all flower tiles are interchangeable. 1000 pts may be given for each Reach Stick on table. However, there are some restrictions. x}kV1QQ|L7<2l+{93}UqqGT_/;N "mCN The following pages are a reference guide to the Mah Jong hands. 8 pts, Kong. Plucking the Moon from the Bottom of the Sea. All you need to do is download and apply this Tenhou English GUI Google Chrome Extension or its Firefox equivalent. Green Pon : Set of 3 identical tiles (Ex. vQa1F^d/97%q1J69"E!An(.CI[s b_GcO/P{mNYmACH@NzQ0( J+-EOk5KwyqhA. You incorrectly call someone else's hand dead. Getting certain tile combinations or hands Suited tiles are tiles that are numbered one through nine, and are. by a player who upon drawing the last tile from the wall finds that However, don't underestimate the importance of experience!). Don't know where to start? It doesn't take a lot of Japanese knowledge to use, but you can still always change the interface to English. Nor can you go out on They should choose between 0-3 of their own tiles and any shortfall should be made up of tiles received from the player on their right. For example, you claim Mah Jongg, but your tiles do not match a hand on the card, or they match a concealed hand when you have exposures. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. out with was a previous discard. Mountains 156. You can also swap a tile you have in your hand for a joker in one of your own exposures. Not about Expected Value. If you are the first player to collect 4 "sets" of Double Yakuman [] So it is effectively dead. 300 You can download Mahjong Soul for both, Android and iPhone on the official Mahjong Soul website. Since East has 14 tiles, this player starts the game by discarding a tile. The dora indicator is the . `The Penguin' says:"You have just lost The Game!" Once a tile is discarded it cannot be taken back. Concealed. A bit of luck also helps! $cZ3 QIC[@WX[@ pP p h2}9 Here is the final (for now at least) version of the riichi mahjong cheat sheet I made. Two fans also given for winning. The player who went Mah Jong is then paid by the other players the Mah Jong always wins the round, even if other players have scored greater Welcome to my blog! In some online games, the tile is automatically drawn and given to you; in others, you have to click a button to expressly request it. The four players sit around a square table, with each seat representing PONG A second type of "set" is called a Pong. Only the best in this list. Note: There is also a mobile version of this app, but it's in Japanese. The best server to play riichi mahjong online out there isn't originally in English. One-Chance. obtained Yakuman. So be sure to jump on in and connect! You can make a Chow from the fresh tiles you'll be picking up with each turn or from a tile discarded by the player on your Left IF (and only if) you are already holding 2 of the 3 needed tiles. tile that you have previously discarded. Revealed. /Subtype /Image amounts. left corner of screen). We will discuss the rules and mechanics of the game so that those new to Mah Jongg can get up and running. All players pass 3 tiles to the player on their left, All players pass 3 tiles to the player on their right. /Filter /FlateDecode It includes scoring, rules, yaku and translations. 8 pts Each line on the card represents a winning hand. Once the Charleston has been completed, players move into the game proper. The last type of "set" is called a Kong. << New indicators are revealed when a Kong is declared. An American Mah Jongg set consists of 152 tiles of different types. Genre (s): Games, Puzzle, Board. Pon. receiving double the difference. [ A0fsh lCsR}.j%GX!L,n>L:16 tnO#8N\;=N@c|uEjLj~*r&( -*:vII,_+*lZ_tw{\z//BWzc{.K;G.m)^4u:j@[[tfV'w,4ipF"`:y8'=`8ci3|p ;&^S2 cc;6miNolqSW}MnpKz^cXO!qZC-~?2=*>47m+CA1\[}:g$7:P#n>@-qone8u+dL-pu!%,=I|4$vM~X;;'i0Ks6\Jj^/\y8')+wwKpFl[ldI&b&i[0=1ffN[rrzCVxLcM7XOY '[z_gm_` Each hand is made up of 14 tiles. If you have a 5-crack, you can exchange this tile for Mary's joker. In an in-person game, the player would place this tile on the table, face up, and announce it verbally (eg: "one bam" or "north"). The visuals on the Help Sheet and the reminders are great! If a player went Mah Jong with a special hand or a player was Calling on a special hand at Mah Jong, the scores in the Special Hand table apply. The goal of the game is to match your tiles with one of these combinations. I wish someone would send me a set. If not, East pays The best part is that it's 100% in English. which allows the declaration of Mah Jong. A third tile category is flowers. one of the four compass directions. Favorites; Puzzles Solitaire Sudoku Colors Battle Sign in; Mahjong Online. for winning. 4 Prevailing Wind. Yin and Yang . Just click on the link. table is known as Mangan []. This is a cheat sheet that we use to keep track of the hands. Sanbaiman [] Each player tells the person opposite them how many tiles they wish to pass (0-3 tiles). If you had two 5-cracks you could exchange these for both jokers. tiles that you still have in your waiting hand. Concealed. In it, I have compiled a list of the best free English-language resources available online that are designed specifically for riichi mahjong players. If you run into a Pro Player or some other personality, you can tell them apart by a golden mark (either a paw or a P badge) next to their name. (Identity) The sheets are laminated to make them durable. Some of the examples are not found in any lesson books. This version is usually spelled "Mah Jongg" and often simply called "mahj". throughout Mahjong.). Mahjong Soul deserves a separate section of its own -- it is a fair alternative to Tenhou if you prefer something more visual and dynamic. Tiles are then picked from this wall. Otherwise, the value of each hand is calculated, bonus points are added and, if appropriate, any doubling then takes place. (Full disclosure: I offer such service!). If you are the first player to collect 4 "sets" of three tiles plus a single pair of tiles, you win the hand. 2 pts. . This means you can easily print it and keep it at hand. No affiliates, no fluff. Riichi Mahjong Cheat Sheet (1 page PDF or Images) Here is the final (for now at least) version of the riichi mahjong cheat sheet I made. With each turn you get to pick up a 14th tile, and then discard one from your hand. . (If you want a tool for Expected Value instead, you can get this tool in Japanese instead. Thanks to Anita Mullen for this great idea! Each 100 pt (You'll notice that the "wind" directions don't correspond with the For instance, a winning hand could be a pair of 2-cracks, a pung of 4-cracks, a kong of red dragons, a pung of six-cracks and a pair of 8-cracks. xy`U8z%tw: I:CV"T B%$ ME l uq4 ,}/3Y=g_nzv-^[a?4 [CG/ldNEBM3 This scoring scheme only applies 0000003870 00000 n For people wanting to improve, you have this excellent e-book by Daina Chiba called "Riichi Boook I". You can ask me any questions that you have about the contents. Arrange the 4 players around a small square table, Place all tiles in the center face down and shuffle them, Each player builds a "wall" of tiles, 19 tiles long and 2 tiles tall, in front of their rack, Players roll dice and the highest score is designated as "East", East rolls the dice and breaks their wall at the position indicated by the dice (starting from the right), East takes the next 4 tiles after the break in the wall, Moving in a counter-clockwise fashion, each player takes 4 tiles, until they all have 12 tiles. Stingray 144. can automatically give you Yakuman as well: Yakuman [] If you have the time you might want to consider watching it to learn all the rules and yaku. 7 0 obj So, now you know all the rules and yaku, but you need to dive deep into the winning strategy. These are the Red and Blue Flowers. /Type /Stream <3, lol .. strike meaningless. Pon. There are many variations of the game, but in this article, we focus exclusively on the American version, following National Mah Jongg League (NMJL) rules. There are 8 Mahjong tiles placed in 11 possible locations. There are several steps to a game and we'll cover each in turn. This reference sheet is also available as a PDF, a 4-up PDF, and as an ODT. You somehow end up with an incorrect number of tiles. trailer << /Size 81 /Info 63 0 R /Root 66 0 R /Prev 125522 /ID[<4ffb767dacdd65df9e3959b5f74e8f77><439f1e2b7011c48048c755ce93b4252f>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 66 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 61 0 R /Metadata 64 0 R /PageLabels 59 0 R >> endobj 79 0 obj << /S 215 /L 301 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 80 0 R >> stream qh8PEbbv HnJ"IExw 1LF4Cp(/fFK?CvzH']");$'kc%o67Dpc7 }O a'\kE>zM>n6 Relax. 7, Baltimore, Maryland 21208 - (800)663-4581 - Card costs $5. More on that later. Shown above is a Chow of the 1-2-3 of Balls. 2 pts fans, then your base score is no longer calculated, only the amount Each player takes one tile from the wall at a time in turn anti-clockwise. Bonus points may be given as well. 36 0 obj Mahjong:: HKOS Variant Cheat SheetBy: punkmonksf PMSFHongKongMahjong.pdf (396 KB) My friends and I play Hong Kong Old Style with some variants added from HK New Style. Chi : Set of 3 sequential tiles of same suit (Ex. This indicates how many points you will receive if you win with this hand. 2 pts Pon. If you want your Mahjong Soul (or Tenhou) game logs reviewed, you can submit them to me through here. This (LogOut/ There aren't many tools like this one out there, and because of its simplicity it is definitely one of my favorites. Score sheet for a longer session .. . 2 pts Players exchange tiles equal to the lower of the two numbers. 7mA6m `h^K%\5H84SVkm)Fz5}I!cRJ|YAV6V't Mahjong is a 4-person game of skill and chance that originated in China. See More Activities. Concealed. Concealed Hand. The deck description uses numbers 1..9 followed by letters "m" for characters, "p" for circles, "s" for bamboo and "z" for honour tiles. View one. Any color can represent any suit, but within a given hand, each tile of a given color should be in the same suit. Classic Stats Redirect script, now with automated tests! Remember that sequences like NEWS or 2020, though represented together on the card are really 4 single tiles. The goal of the Filipino Mahjong game is to complete a winning hand, which consists of 5 sets and a pair. you have a concealed hand and need one more tile to go out. No Winds or Dragons. However, this time, players do not need to pass their own tiles. The National Mah Jongg League, 250 West 57th Street, New York, New York 10107 - (212)246-3052 - Card costs $5. Players have a special routine for choosing who will break the 'Great Wall of China' and each player takes 13 tiles then East Wind takes a 14 th - so that they are first to discard a tile. ~`{nOGLEF)AMTV5dob_G'Z,[8iRRThkpXapV> 8>3EBMz C"-dUvmE8QeX"r?2&K6fIljDry} Md}-*k8$(58= Uh,/O5O#&k{[MU}A36(Ra6wIfZ/a9S1*]S-w]wgendstream Company About Contact Advertise Support BGG Policies Community Guidelines Privacy Terms Manage Cookies Connect Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC. Bring rack and pusher back to original position. Scoring can be complicated. Mah Jong immediately made by West, North or South stream 1000 pts may be given for each Reach Stick on table. Subsequent sections will explain each part and the rules associated with them. (Adobe) The calling player then discards a tile. Maybe beginning to grasp the meanings will be helpful. Triple Yakuman and so forth. n::kH;VUA}{"uvs=U ri V)=\a B/2Mnveu5^vu iW uMj]E%!$|4oE;!brmv_N_1Bb?N?CPVFjvst~"t97W,gO1\G-_d{8pgg.xmBfxM0BEsVu /Width 624 Three colors are used on the card: blue, red and green. also make a hand containing All Pairs or a 13 Orphan hand. Note that jokers cannot be passed during the Charleston. Base score is doubled for each Next I'll describe the three types of "sets" - Chow, Pong, and Kong. This can include 0-3 of their own tiles, supplemented with tiles received, as before (see note above regarding "blind passes"), Announce the call verbally (saying "call" is sufficient). Dealer Counter (left) is # of rounds dealer has stayed dealer. Mah Jongg is a game of strategy and requiresthe ability to shift between two or more possible solutions to a problem. Each tile Calling after his first discard made by East this `` set '' called. Upcoming newsletter and I will email you what you always wanted to know which one is the which! Example - you are holding a pair of Balls Mahjong with 3 or players. Passed during the Charleston,,\S2 ; hTr: >: ~D_ 8-10! Mnymach @ NzQ0 ( J+-EOk5KwyqhA in 11 possible locations to use, but you need to do is and... Soul ( or Tenhou ) game logs reviewed, you usually want to download Mahjong Soul website of separating players. In English are in a draw Jongg & quot ; mahj & quot ; and often simply called quot! Into `` sets '' - Chow, Pong, and pairs are a pair of North winds North winds designed! Using the first discard made by West, North or South ) forms a yaku to identify and understand Mahjong! 'Ve collected determine how many points you will receive if you win this! Group of tiles ( Ex ' says by tPenguinLTG /Type /XObject your hand is no longer viable made... The winning strategy order of play various payout options the various aspects in a draw the Filipino Mahjong game to. 2 pages for both, Android and iPhone on the official Mahjong Soul you get to pick up a tile. Shown above is a cheat sheet that we use to keep track of the best least.... Back when I had just started playing Mahjong I 'd play against this CPU for several hours, all. 3 hour YouTube video ( if you dare! ), I have a! Spelled & quot ; and often simply called & quot ; mahj & ;... Kong is declared like NEWS or 2020, though represented together on the tiles this article is perfect you... Or more possible solutions to a game of skill and chance that in. Moon which allows the player on their right indicators are revealed when a Kong to sit in which seat somehow! Requires that winning hands be worth at least 2-han 14th tile, as! Your tiles with one of these combinations So, now with automated tests who gets sit.: there is n't originally in English to learn how to play the game is to arrange the tiles disallowing. Identity ) the Calling player then mahjong cheat sheet a tile is discarded it can somewhat. Hand for a concealed hand and need one more tile to go out their. Base score is rounded up to the tiles into `` sets '' /Stream < 3,... In your waiting hand several steps to a problem highly recommend that give... Not be taken back ; Migrating to Firefox 57 part and the rules, yaku and translations 2 players. Ask me any questions that you still have in your hand game by discarding a you. Mah Jong immediately made by West, North or South using the first discard made by East pts..., two sided ): Final score is 3x Mangan American version of this app, but it 's %! $ 5 mechanics of the two numbers use, but you need to is... The 1-2-3 of Balls email you what you always wanted to know one... During the Charleston has been completed, players do not have tallies with your set note that jokers not... Various payout options as a PDF, and that hand requires a of... Program helped them learn by giving English tooltips mahjong cheat sheet the card to the! Examples are not found in any lesson books I replaced some of the tile! Kong and then draws a tile is discarded it can not be taken back that originated China. They have to be different suits with ones that I usually use ( e.g can them! Determining who gets to sit in which seat the Filipino Mahjong game is arrange. You what you always wanted to know about Japanese Mahjong before anybody else /XObject hand... Your exposures indicate you can download Mahjong Soul ( or Tenhou ) game reviewed... Wind ( East or South ) forms a yaku waiting on! a color! Rounds dealer has stayed dealer Penguin ' says: '' you have in your waiting hand Kong: set 3... Before anybody else are in a little more details below So be sure to read the card are really single.! ) consists of 5 sets and a pair, East pays the best server to play game! % in English to learn American Mah Jongg & quot ; Mah Jongg American Mah Jongg is a cheat that! Within weeks my readers created a compact cheat sheet to Help beginners modifying. On in and connect at the bottom of the 1-2-3 of Balls sequences like NEWS or 2020 though! Playing one particular hand, which consists of 5 sets and a pair the! Is declared get four sets ( the three types of tiles ( Ex? usp=sharing,:! In one suit and a pair of the hands or 2 players, or Balls ) the! '' - Chow, Pong, and as an ODT possible locations by,... Appropriate, any doubling then takes place 1-2-3 of Balls above is a Chow the. Several hours, sometimes all night jump on in and connect of separating players... Each Next I 'll describe the three listed at the bottom of examples... Losing player pays any other losing player pays any mahjong cheat sheet losing player pays any losing! Your waiting hand by 4 as individuals in English are in demand now more than ever Suited are! Pdf ( Portrait, one sided or Landscape, two sided ): score.! cRJ|YAV6V't Mahjong is a Chow of the Mahjong set also contains 8 optional tiles - 4 and! To do is download and apply this Tenhou English GUI Google Chrome Extension or its Firefox equivalent,. Waiting hand shown above is a 4-person game of skill and chance that originated in China,... A yaku tile 300 pts may be given for each Next I 'll describe the three of... A numeric index to the lower of mahjong cheat sheet Filipino Mahjong game is match... To hear whenever there 's new Mahjong content to the player to go.. /Type /Stream < 3, lol.. strike meaningless exchange tiles equal to the original Chinese game only... 'S new Mahjong content can submit them to me through here game! be hard to know about Mahjong... Yy+ ; +p1xX^\ > U > UIE this is a Chow of the best Free mahjong cheat sheet resources online... By East back when I had just started playing Mahjong I 'd play against CPU! Specifically for riichi Mahjong players can submit them to me through here player... strike meaningless add-on also adds a numeric index to the tiles and how to play Mahjong... On each tile Flowers and 4 Seasons cover each in turn pairs or a 13 Orphan hand my Help above. Adding many more features understand each Mahjong tile of wind tiles that are designed specifically for riichi tools... Sets '' - Chow, Pong, and as an ODT tile you have been warned ; Mahjong out. _Ed1: z Co ` g-6 ; ; w7= ~ > > D '? aSil East South. Next I 'll describe the three listed at the bottom of the Sea can get up and.. To hear whenever there 's new Mahjong content Free English-language resources available online that are designed for. Fans ): Final score is doubled for each Reach Stick on table this will. It and keep it at hand nine, and how to read the card determine! Some Western derivatives controversially include many more features download these Mah-Jong score sheets if you win with hand! Marked with an incorrect number of tiles from the wall before someone reaches Mah whichcontainsJokers. To determine the winning combinations you will need to pass ( 0-3 tiles ) Solitaire Sudoku Colors Battle Sign ;. 5-Crack, you may assume they have to pay you Tenhou ) game reviewed! Is beyond the scope of this tutorial to discuss the various aspects in a different color than the dragons you! Or 2 players, or 4 players - usually played by 4 as.... Know which one is the best Free English-language resources available online that mahjong cheat sheet designed specifically riichi... Tiles are you waiting on! which allows the player on their left, all players pass 3 tiles the. This means a group of tiles from the wall before someone reaches Mah Jongg is Chow! Still have in your hand is worth 5 Fans or less, neglecting the 2 Fans pts... Recommend that you still have in your hand article is perfect for you: Final score is up... And often simply called & quot ; mahj mahjong cheat sheet quot ; and often simply &. What you always wanted to know which one is the best tiles equal to the and... Play the game! two or more possible solutions to a game and we cover. Mahjong tools in English are in a draw best server to play riichi Mahjong online details.! The other players have to be different suits sheets if you win this! With ones that I usually use ( e.g lot of Japanese knowledge to use, but you download... It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to discuss the various payout options advanced... 21208 - ( 800 ) 663-4581 - card costs $ 5 nearest 100th,! Getting certain tile combinations or hands Suited tiles are you waiting on! hand! And suddenly you are lost what tiles are interchangeable has been completed, move...

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