michelle obama commencement speech transcript

Graduates, that is not who we are. Michelle Obama: (02:44) And I know you worked hard to make it to this moment, didnt you? Youve got it in you. Look at you! But, graduates, today, I want to be very clear that those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up. If youre living in a constant state of fear, how much farther behind will you be after months in quarantine and without a job. Was he thrilled about that? First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a powerful commencement speech at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama, on Saturday, addressing the stereotyping and pressure she feels not only . I did my research. I am confident in your ability to do amazing things. City College of New York (June 3, 2016) In her final commencement address as first lady, Michelle Obama spoke to the City College of New York's graduates about how differences make us. Studying late into the night, early in the morning; on subways and buses, and in those few precious minutes during breaks at work. (Applause.) The biomedical science major who was born in Afghanistan and plans to be a doctor, a policy maker and an educator. Heres the thing, you have the opportunity to learn these valuable lessons faster than the generations before you. Youll take part in that never-failing miracle of progress. (Applause.). And finally, most of all, I want to congratulate the men and women of the Tuskegee University Class of 2015! Would I be more like Laura Bush, or Hillary Clinton, or Nancy Reagan? T-U! There will always be those who want to keep you silent. Ask your friends, your family, ask everyone you see in your neighborhood. First lady Michelle Obama delivers. Let's let our graduates rest themselves. And in the face of all of that clamor, you might have an overwhelming instinct to just run the other way as fast as you can. And I know, as President Krislov understands, that electing the right folks mattersit matters a lot. City College of New York Instead, its important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages. I also want to recognize Senator Schumer, Chancellor Milliken, Trustee Shorter, Edward Plotkin, as well as your amazing valedictorian, Antonios Mourdoukoutas -- did I get it right? Transcript: Read Michelle Obama's full speech from the 2016 DNC It certainly caught the attention of the press both on Monday and when the first lady tested it out last month during a. So, graduates, while I think its fair to say that our Founding Fathers never could have imagined this day, all of you are very much the fruits of their vision. (Applause.) Now, will this be easy? We want everything right awaywhether its an Uber or your favorite TV showand we want it tailored to our exact preferences and beliefs. And the first thing we have to do is vote. A RESTful API to access Revs workforce of fast, high quality transcriptionists and captioners. Well done. So they took advantage of whatever resources they had in their own time, thundering from the pulpit and the convention floor, penning letters from a jail cell, standing up for their rights in the face of police violence. As the President eloquently said, at this school, you represent more than 150 nationalities. June 3, 2016, 7:00 PM. Folks like Lucy Stone and FDR, they didnt get caught up in their egos or their ideology. Shake things up. They built coalitions with folks like them and different from them. The founders of this school didnt just decide to admit women and African American students and then pat themselves on the back and say job well done. No, even in those early days, folks here at Oberlin were attending anti-slavery meetings, shivering on rough wooden benches in unheated, unfinished buildings. She urged the 493 members of the school's first full graduating class to give back to their communities: And that's why we support the participate of women is parliaments and peace processes, schools and the economy. First Lady Michelle Obama Commencement Speech 2015 click for pdf [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Thank you all. The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever Looking for some new words of wisdom? Ask yourself, do you know where your polling place is? Probably not. They knew that our laws matter. Not here. Love you all. But Ive come to realize that most of that clamor is really coming from just a handful of very loud folks out on the fringes. There is no substitute for it. Those Airmen who rose above brutal discrimination -- they did it so the whole world could see just how high black folks could soar. You have exceptional musical talent and intellectual enthusiasm.We have a place just for you. (Applause.) We can take on those deep-rooted problems, and together -- together -- we can overcome anything that stands in our way. Surely their kids could go to school together. "As a child, my first doll was Malibu. (Applause.) Michelle Obama: The story of our families. In tones both aspirational and political, Michelle Obama on Friday used her last commencement address as first lady to salute graduates of the City College of New York as "living, breathing. Because even if youre nervous or unsure about what path to take in the years ahead, I want you to realize that youve got everything you need right now to succeed. I dont think so. (Applause. The son of a Russian-Jewish immigrant, his songs still light up Broadway today. But, graduates, no matter where your journey started, you have all made it here today through the same combination of unyielding determination, sacrifice, and a whole lot of hard work - commuting hours each day to class, some of you. Historic agreements to fight climate change. As the annual blitz of commencement speeches get underway, CNN highlights some of the most memorable from years past. Pursue your own version of happiness. Thank you. (Applause.) (Applause. So go out there and make it happen. To have you be seen, but not heard. He kept fulfilling his double duty long after he hung up his uniform. This is an important time of transition in light of the current state of our country. Michelle Obama's commencement speeches: a compendium of excerpts. (Applause.) I celebrated military kids with Kermit the Frog. Oh, my goodness. But trust me, graduates that kind of life catches up to you. (Applause.). And, graduates, thats what we need from all of you. It deadens your spirit and it hardens your heart may seem like a winning strategy in the short run. We will be there with you every step of the way. (Applause.). With commencements and graduations across the country cancelled, Former First Lady Michelle Obama and her Reach Higher initiative teamed up with YouTube to celebrate students reaching this. Michelle Obama: (11:51) When they ventured off base, the white sheriff here in town called them boy and ticketed them for the most minor offenses. And youve taken so many different paths to this moment. Thats just the way the process works. (Applause.). Good evening. And he knew that he was taking to the skies for them -- to give them and their children something more to hope for, something to aspire to. (Applause.). (Applause. But that has only happened because folks like all of you left their comfort zones and made their voices heard. So get out there and volunteer on campaigns, and then hold the folks you elect accountable. And, graduates, you all have faced challenges far greater than anything I or my family have ever experienced, challenges that most college students could never even imagine. They lost it, because they were ill-equipped to handle their first encounter with disappointment or falling short. Ive seen you marching with peace and with purpose and that is why even in tough times like these, you continue to be what gives me hope. Thank you all. Beyonc delivered a special message to graduates during YouTube's Dear Class of 2020 broadcast. Today, I want to suggest that if you truly wish to carry on the Oberlin legacy of service and social justice, then you need to run to, and not away from, the noise. It means adding your voice to our national conversation, speaking out for our most cherished values of liberty, opportunity, inclusion, and respect - the values that youve been living here at this school. Instead, I think they knew that if they could just get everyone to take that first step, then folks would keep on moving in the right direction. If you listen to them, then nothing will ever change. (Applause.). Obama touched on the background of the school, the background of her own family and how it will inform the future of the graduates. Look at where were gathered today. And then I want you to take a deep breath and trust yourselves to chart your own course and make your mark on the world. I've been watching! And my dad was so proud to pay that tuition bill on time each month, even taking out loans when he fell short. MRS. OBAMA: Well, goodness. And you deserve every last one of the successes that I know you will have. Michelle Obama: ( 00:07) Hey everybody. So if you hear people expressing bigoted views or talking down to those people, it is up to you to call them out because we wont solve anything. Now whats happening right now is the direct result of decades of unaddressed, prejudice, and inequality. The two-hour event, "Show Me Your. It needed to be voiced, not just on the streets, but in the halls of power. It will be hard. ), I should be here today. He did it because he ultimately wanted to help sharecroppers feed their families. And Im so proud of you both -- and to your families, congratulations. I could go on. Mike Judge on crooked paths UCSD Commencement 2009: Mike Judge Discover why Rev is the #1 speech-to-text service in the world. (Applause.) Photo: AP. SOAPStone Speaker: Michelle Obama Occasion: City College . I certainly hope so. STUDENT: We love you so much, Michelle! Because right now, all that superficial stuff of titles and positions, all of that has been stripped away. (Applause.) (Laughter.) (Applause.) And they also understood that often, the biggest, most dramatic change happens incrementally, little by little, through compromises and adjustments over years and decades. It needed to be carried, not just by the housekeeper and the shift worker, but by the senator and the congresswoman and yes the President of the United States. We fill our Twitter feed with voices that confirm, rather than challenge, our views. Even today, there are still folks questioning his citizenship. (Applause.) Thank you. They are smart enough to see through that noise, and they are so hungry for voices that rise above itsmart, compassionate, thoughtful voices like yours. So if youre spending a lot of time, just hashtaging and posting right now thats useful, especially during a pandemic, but its only a beginning. And I want to thank President Tatum for her leadership and for that very kind and generous introduction. If you dont feel safe driving your own car in your own neighborhood or going for a jog or buying some candy at 7-eleven or bird watching. The most accurate AI-powered transcription on the market. "Leave behind all the old ways of thinking that divide us: sexism, racial prejudice, status, greed," Obama said . You represent just about every possible background - every color and culture, every faith and walk of life. By channeling that discomfort you feel into activism and a democracy that was designed to respond to those who vote. . Because we all know that public universities have always been one of the greatest drivers of our prosperity, lifting countless people into the middle class, creating jobs and wealth all across this nation. So I took on issues that were personal to me -- issues like helping families raise healthier kids, honoring the incredible military families Id met on the campaign trail, inspiring our young people to value their education and finish college. Calculate how much it costs to transcribe, caption, or subtitle your content. It made me wonder, just how are people seeing me. But I also want to be very clear that with those successes comes a set of obligations - to share the lessons youve learned here at this school. Somehow, you still managed to do prestigious internships and research fellowships, and join all kinds of clubs and activities. No, were all in this together. God bless. As he mentioned, my office did this wonderful competition to highlight colleges that are helping underserved young people graduate from high school and then go on to higher education. They didnt say its my way or the highway. Instead, they knew where they wanted to go, and they were strategic and pragmatic about getting there. (Applause.). Thats just the way things are now. So proud of you all back there. You give me chills. In an impassioned speech to the graduating class of 2020, former First Lady Michelle Obama wished to speak to young adults as a mentor, mother and citizen who's concerned for their future. (Applause.) And, graduates, its the story that I witness every single day when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters - two beautiful, black young women - head off to school -- (applause) -- waving goodbye to their father, the President of the United States, the son of a man from Kenya who came here to American -- to America for the same reasons as many of you: To get an education and improve his prospects in life. Michelle Obama's CCNY Commencement Speech - OUT LINE Prompt: How do Michelle Obama's rhetorical choices within her speech affect the overall message? Youre here! Then there was the first time I was on a magazine cover -- it was a cartoon drawing of me with a huge afro and machine gun. Its up to you to couple every protest with plans and policies, with organizing and mobilizing and voting and thats my final piece of advice. Weve both felt the sting of those daily slights throughout our entire lives -- the folks who crossed the street in fear of their safety; the clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores; the people at formal events who assumed we were the help-- and those who have questioned our intelligence, our honesty, even our love of this country. Those were the words spoken by first lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday to the graduates of King College Prep High School in Chicago's South Side. Youve got it. I understand he was such a talented young man, a promising aerospace engineer who was well on his way to achieving his dream of following in the footsteps of the Tuskegee Airmen. Thank you so. See, graduates, this is what happens when you turn your attention outward and decide to brave the noise and engage yourself in the struggles of our time. That is how you will have a meaningful journey on those clamorous highways of life. Now, some folks criticized my choices for not being bold enough. (Applause. I am proud to have this degree -- very proud. First Lady Michelle Obama Tuskegee University Commencement Address (C-SPAN) C-SPAN 1.18M subscribers Subscribe 2.3K 202K views 7 years ago First Lady Michelle Obama delivers the. Its never come from folks who climb the ladder of success, or who happen to be born near the top and then pull that ladder up after themselves. Michelle Obama Video screenshot Democratic leaders such as Michelle. Michelle Obama as well baby mamma. You will follow heroes like Dr. Boynton Robinson -- (applause) -- who survived the billy clubs and the tear gas of Bloody Sunday in Selma. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Michelle Obama Gives Commencement Speech By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS June 3, 2016 Michelle Obama said that in America "we don't build up walls to keep people out" as she delivered the. And at the end of the day, by staying true to the me Ive always known, I found that this journey has been incredibly freeing. One said I exhibited a little bit of uppity-ism. Another noted that I was one of my husbands cronies of color. Cable news once charmingly referred to me as Obamas Baby Mama.. Thank you for allowing me to share this final commencement with you. Michelle Obama actively used pathos in the commencement speech because her key message was that Spelman graduates needed not only to develop their personalities but also help others. Just take the example of the great American lyricist, Ira Gershwin, who attended City College a century ago. So I want you to know that its okay to be confused. It's a hard time, and everyone's feeling. That is not what this country stands for. As many of you know, I grew up in a working class family in Chicago. But, as potentially the first African American First Lady, I was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations; conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others. Michelle Obama: (07:10) So there will be times, just like for those Airmen, when you feel like folks look right past you, or they see just a fraction of who you really are. (Applause.) 1. First Lady Michelle Obama. They were joining the Equal Suffrage League and speaking out for womens right to vote. So really, it is no accident that this institution has produced 10 Nobel Prize winners -- (applause) -- along with countless captains of industry, cultural icons, leaders at the highest levels of government. Now, Im not naive. More than anything else, graduates, that is the American story. You are the living, breathing proof that the American Dream endures in our time. Graduates, you all are exactly what we need right now and for the years and decades to come, youre learning so much so quickly. And if you rise above the noise and the pressures that surround you, if you stay true to who you are and where you come from, if you have faith in Gods plan for you, then you will keep fulfilling your duty to people all across this country. But unlike so many other young people, you have already developed the resilience and the maturity that you need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep moving through the pain, keep moving forward. And believe me, I know this from personal experience. You should never view your challenges as a disadvantage. Thank you so much. May 16, 2020 at 9:59 p.m. EDT. Michelle Obama gave a powerful commencement address to the high school and college graduates in the class of 2020. Follow whats happening in your city hall, your statehouse, Washington, D.C. There were the so-called scientific studies that said that black mens brains were smaller than white mens. Below is the full text of the speech delivered by former President Barack Obama during "Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020." "Hi, everybody. Read the latest blog posts from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Check out the most popular infographics and videos, View the photo of the day and other galleries, Tune in to White House events and statements as they happen, See the lineup of artists and performers at the White House, Eisenhower Executive Office Building Tour. Let me tell you it is a pleasure and an honor -- yes, Chicago -- (laughter and applause) -- to be with all of you today. Thank you for creating these fabulous individuals. For example, think back to the struggle for womens suffrage and the story of a leading suffragist and Oberlin alum named Lucy Stone. What happens at every school board meeting, every legislative sessionthat is your concern. Because in the end, they understood, as the political scientist Joseph Nye once said, that The absolutist may avoid the problem of dirty hands, but often at the cost of having no hands at all.. They spat on her. Staying up late writing those papers, studying for exams. Generation after generation, students here have shown that same grit, that same resilience to soar past obstacles and outrages -- past the threat of countryside lynchings; past the humiliation of Jim Crow; past the turmoil of the Civil Rights era. This is historical material frozen in time. So, graduates, with your glorious diversity, with your remarkable accomplishments and your deep commitment to your communities, you all embody the very purpose of this schools founding. Transition in light of the great American lyricist, Ira Gershwin, who attended City College century! Clamorous highways of life during YouTube & # x27 ; s a hard time and! 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