reghdfe predict xbd

expression(exp( predict( xb + FE ) )). If all are specified, this is equivalent to a fixed-effects regression at the group level and individual FEs. If theory suggests that the effect of multiple authors will enter additively, as opposed to the average effect of the group of authors, this would be the appropriate treatment. In contrast, other production functions might scale linearly in which case "sum" might be the correct choice. Is the same package used by ivreg2, and allows the bw, kernel, dkraay and kiefer suboptions. In an i.categorical##c.continuous interaction, we do the above check but replace zero for any particular constant. Using absorb(month. If you use this program in your research, please cite either the REPEC entry or the aforementioned papers. tuples by Joseph Lunchman and Nicholas Cox, is used when computing standard errors with multi-way clustering (two or more clustering variables). What is it in the estimation procedure that causes the two to differ? I believe the issue is that instead, the results of predict(xb) are being averaged and THEN the FE is being added for each observation. - However, be aware that estimates for the fixed effects are generally inconsistent and not econometrically identified. Linear and instrumental-variable/GMM regression absorbing multiple levels of fixed effects, identifiers of the absorbed fixed effects; each, save residuals; more direct and much faster than saving the fixed effects and then running predict, additional options that will be passed to the regression command (either, estimate additional regressions; choose any of, compute first-stage diagnostic and identification statistics, package used in the IV/GMM regressions; options are, amount of debugging information to show (0=None, 1=Some, 2=More, 3=Parsing/convergence details, 4=Every iteration), show elapsed times by stage of computation, maximum number of iterations (default=10,000); if set to missing (, acceleration method; options are conjugate_gradient (cg), steep_descent (sd), aitken (a), and none (no), transform operation that defines the type of alternating projection; options are Kaczmarz (kac), Cimmino (cim), Symmetric Kaczmarz (sym), absorb all variables without regressing (destructive; combine it with, delete Mata objects to clear up memory; no more regressions can be run after this, allows selecting the desired adjustments for degrees of freedom; rarely used, unique identifier for the first mobility group, reports the version number and date of reghdfe, and saves it in e(version). It will run, but the results will be incorrect. reghdfe is a generalization of areg (and xtreg,fe, xtivreg,fe) for multiple levels of fixed effects, and multi-way clustering. 27(2), pages 617-661. You can check their respective help files here: reghdfe3, reghdfe5. Memorandum 14/2010, Oslo University, Department of Economics, 2010. Well occasionally send you account related emails. reghdfe fits a linear or instrumental-variable regression absorbing an arbitrary number of categorical factors and factorial interactions Optionally, it saves the estimated fixed effects. local version `clip(`c(version)', 11.2, 13.1)' // 11.2 minimum, 13+ preferred qui version `version . its citations), so using "mean" might be the sensible choice. However, given the sizes of the datasets typically used with reghdfe, the difference should be small. ( which reghdfe) Do you have a minimal working example? Stata Journal, 10(4), 628-649, 2010. Thanks! Calculates the degrees-of-freedom lost due to the fixed effects (note: beyond two levels of fixed effects, this is still an open problem, but we provide a conservative approximation). Warning: it is not recommended to run clustered SEs if any of the clustering variables have too few different levels. In other words, an absvar of var1##c.var2 converges easily, but an absvar of var1#c.var2 will converge slowly and may require a higher tolerance. 1 Answer. This is equivalent to using egen group(var1 var2) to create a new variable, but more convenient and faster. mwc allows multi-way-clustering (any number of cluster variables), but without the bw and kernel suboptions. REGHDFE: Distribution-Date: 20180917 Additionally, if you previously specified preserve, it may be a good time to restore. Also invaluable are the great bug-spotting abilities of many users. residuals(newvar) saves the regression residuals in a new variable. It will run, but the results will be incorrect. Each clustervar permits interactions of the type var1#var2. none assumes no collinearity across the fixed effects (i.e. iterations(#) specifies the maximum number of iterations; the default is iterations(16000); set it to missing (.) avar uses the avar package from SSC. If you run analytic or probability weights, you are responsible for ensuring that the weights stay constant within each unit of a fixed effect (e.g. Note: More advanced SEs, including autocorrelation-consistent (AC), heteroskedastic and autocorrelation-consistent (HAC), Driscoll-Kraay, Kiefer, etc. The second and subtler limitation occurs if the fixed effects are themselves outcomes of the variable of interest (as crazy as it sounds). I have tried to do this with the reghdfe command without success. With the reg and predict commands it is possible to make out-of-sample predictions, i.e. This is equivalent to including an indicator/dummy variable for each category of each absvar. A frequent rule of thumb is that each cluster variable must have at least 50 different categories (the number of categories for each clustervar appears at the top of the regression table). However, future replays will only replay the iv regression. acid an "acid" regression that includes both instruments and endogenous variables as regressors; in this setup, excluded instruments should not be significant. Do you understand why that error flag arises? In your case, it seems that excluding the FE part gives you the same results under -atmeans-. continuous Fixed effects with continuous interactions (i.e. Specifying this option will instead use wmatrix(robust) vce(robust). The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Would it make sense if you are able to only predict the -xb- part? The classical transform is Kaczmarz (kaczmarz), and more stable alternatives are Cimmino (cimmino) and Symmetric Kaczmarz (symmetric_kaczmarz). This issue is similar to applying the CUE estimator, described further below. ivreg2 is the default, but needs to be installed for that option to work. [link], Simen Gaure. In that case, it will set e(K#)==e(M#) and no degrees-of-freedom will be lost due to this fixed effect. It replaces the current dataset, so it is a good idea to precede it with a preserve command. 6. It supports most post-estimation commands, such as. Have a question about this project? To see your current version and installed dependencies, type reghdfe, version. Use carefully, specify that each process will only use #2 cores. where all observations of a given firm and year are clustered together. Example: clear set obs 100 gen x1 = rnormal() gen x2 = rnormal() gen d. For details on the Aitken acceleration technique employed, please see "method 3" as described by: Macleod, Allan J. this is equivalent to including an indicator/dummy variable for each category of each absvar. Stata Journal 7.4 (2007): 465-506 (page 484). (By the way, great transparency and handling of [coding-]errors! [link]. Iteratively removes singleton observations, to avoid biasing the standard errors (see ancillary document). residuals(newvar) will save the regression residuals in a new variable. nosample will not create e(sample), saving some space and speed. Explanation: When running instrumental-variable regressions with the ivregress package, robust standard errors, and a gmm2s estimator, reghdfe will translate vce(robust) into wmatrix(robust) vce(unadjusted). More suboptions avalable, preserve the dataset and drop variables as much as possible on every step, control columns and column formats, row spacing, line width, display of omitted variables and base and empty cells, and factor-variable labeling, amount of debugging information to show (0=None, 1=Some, 2=More, 3=Parsing/convergence details, 4=Every iteration), show elapsed times by stage of computation, run previous versions of reghdfe. Warning: when absorbing heterogeneous slopes without the accompanying heterogeneous intercepts, convergence is quite poor and a tight tolerance is strongly suggested (i.e. Login or. transform(str) allows for different "alternating projection" transforms. At the other end, low tolerances (below 1e-6) are not generally recommended, as the iteration might have been stopped too soon, and thus the reported estimates might be incorrect. Some preliminary simulations done by the author showed a very poor convergence of this method. This allows us to use Conjugate Gradient acceleration, which provides much better convergence guarantees. I did just want to flag it since you had mentioned in #32 that you had not done comprehensive testing. , kiefer estimates standard errors consistent under arbitrary intra-group autocorrelation (but not heteroskedasticity) (Kiefer). As a consequence, your standard errors might be erroneously too large. to your account. This has been discussed in the past in the context of -areg- and the idea was that outside the sample you don't know the fixed effects outside the sample. Have a question about this project? For instance, if we estimate data with individual FEs for 10 people, and then want to predict out of sample for the 11th, then we need an estimate which we cannot get. Note: The default acceleration is Conjugate Gradient and the default transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz. reghdfe now permits estimations that include individual fixed effects with group-level outcomes. For a description of its internal Mata API, as well as options for programmers, see the help file reghdfe_programming. parallel(#1, cores(#2) runs the partialling-out step in #1 separate Stata processeses, each using #2 cores. For the rationale behind interacting fixed effects with continuous variables, see: Duflo, Esther. Possible values are 0 (none), 1 (some information), 2 (even more), 3 (adds dots for each iteration, and reports parsing details), 4 (adds details for every iteration step). Least-square regressions (no fixed effects): reghdfe depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] [, options], reghdfe depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight] , absorb(absvars) [options]. Specifically, the individual and group identifiers must uniquely identify the observations (so for instance the command "isid patent_id inventor_id" will not raise an error). reghdfe is a generalization of areg (and xtreg,fe, xtivreg,fe) for multiple levels of fixed effects (including heterogeneous slopes), alternative estimators (2sls, gmm2s, liml), and additional robust standard errors (multi-way clustering, HAC standard errors, etc). Calculates the degrees-of-freedom lost due to the fixed effects (note: beyond two levels of fixed effects, this is still an open problem, but we provide a conservative approximation). do you know more? robust estimates heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors (Huber/White/sandwich estimators), which still assume independence between observations. This package wouldn't have existed without the invaluable feedback and contributions of Paulo Guimaraes, Amine Ouazad, Mark Schaffer and Kit Baum. Be wary that different accelerations often work better with certain transforms. those used by regress). ivreg2, by Christopher F Baum, Mark E Schaffer and Steven Stillman, is the package used by default for instrumental-variable regression. That's the same approach done by other commands such as areg. To use them, just add the options version(3) or version(5). However, we can compute the number of connected subgraphs between the first and third G(1,3), and second and third G(2,3) fixed effects, and choose the higher of those as the closest estimate for e(M3). For the fourth FE, we compute G(1,4), G(2,4) and G(3,4) and again choose the highest for e(M4). unadjusted, bw(#) (or just , bw(#)) estimates autocorrelation-consistent standard errors (Newey-West). 2. If you need those, either i) increase tolerance or ii) use slope-and-intercept absvars ("state##c.time"), even if the intercept is redundant. ffirst compute and report first stage statistics (details); requires the ivreg2 package. For instance, vce(cluster firm#year) will estimate SEs with one-way clustering i.e. summarize(stats) will report and save a table of summary of statistics of the regression variables (including the instruments, if applicable), using the same sample as the regression. This is overtly conservative, although it is the faster method by virtue of not doing anything. You signed in with another tab or window. However, given the sizes of the datasets typically used with reghdfe, the difference should be small. For debugging, the most useful value is 3. Since the gain from pairwise is usually minuscule for large datasets, and the computation is expensive, it may be a good practice to exclude this option for speedups. dofadjustments(doflist) selects how the degrees-of-freedom, as well as e(df_a), are adjusted due to the absorbed fixed effects. commands such as predict and margins.1 By all accounts reghdfe represents the current state-of-the-art command for estimation of linear regression models with HDFE, and the package has been very well accepted by the academic community.2 The fact that reghdfeoers a very fast and reliable way to estimate linear regression Second, if the computer has only one or a few cores, or limited memory, it might not be able to achieve significant speedups. Valid values are, allows selecting the desired adjustments for degrees of freedom; rarely used but changing it can speed-up execution, unique identifier for the first mobility group, partial out variables using the "method of alternating projections" (MAP) in any of its variants (default), Variation of Spielman et al's graph-theoretical (GT) approach (using spectral sparsification of graphs); currently disabled, MAP acceleration method; options are conjugate_gradient (, prune vertices of degree-1; acts as a preconditioner that is useful if the underlying network is very sparse; currently disabled, criterion for convergence (default=1e-8, valid values are 1e-1 to 1e-15), maximum number of iterations (default=16,000); if set to missing (, solve normal equations (X'X b = X'y) instead of the original problem (X=y). 2. The first limitation is that it only uses within variation (more than acceptable if you have a large enough dataset). Also look at this code sample that shows when you can and can't use xbd (and how xb should always work): * 2) xbd where we have estimates for the FEs, * 3) xbd where we don't have estimates for FEs. Requires pairwise, firstpair, or the default all. I am running the following commands: Code: reghdfe log_odds_ratio depvar [pw=weights], absorb (year county_fe) cluster (state) resid predictnl pred_prob=exp (predict (xbd))/ (1+exp (predict (xbd))) , se (pred_prob_se) For debugging, the most useful value is 3. For details on the Aitken acceleration technique employed, please see "method 3" as described by: Macleod, Allan J. It addresses many of the limitation of previous works, such as possible lack of convergence, arbitrary slow convergence times, and being limited to only two or three sets of fixed effects (for the first paper). "Robust Inference With Multiway Clustering," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association, vol. Suggested Citation Sergio Correia, 2014. For instance, the option absorb(firm_id worker_id year_coefs=year_id) will include firm, worker and year fixed effects, but will only save the estimates for the year fixed effects (in the new variable year_coefs). Then you can plot these __hdfe* parameters however you like. Introduction reghdfeimplementstheestimatorfrom: Correia,S. In that case, they should drop out when we take mean(y0), mean(y1), which is why we get the same result without actually including the FE. predict after reghdfe doesn't do so. reghdfe lprice i.foreign , absorb(FE = rep78) resid margins foreign, expression(exp(predict(xbd))) atmeans On a related note, is there a specific reason for what you want to achieve? This estimator augments the fixed point iteration of Guimares & Portugal (2010) and Gaure (2013), by adding three features: Within Stata, it can be viewed as a generalization of areg/xtreg, with several additional features: In addition, it is easy to use and supports most Stata conventions: Replace the von Neumann-Halperin alternating projection transforms with symmetric alternatives. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. individual slopes, instead of individual intercepts) are dealt with differently. Calculating the predictions/average marginal effects is OK but it's the confidence intervals that are giving me trouble. Still trying to figure this out but I think I realized the source of the problem. Items you can clarify to get a better answer: tolerance(#) specifies the tolerance criterion for convergence; default is tolerance(1e-8). Note that both options are econometrically valid, and aggregation() should be determined based on the economics behind each specification. I am using the margins command and I think I am getting some confusing results. For alternative estimators (2sls, gmm2s, liml), as well as additional standard errors (HAC, etc) see ivreghdfe. predict after reghdfe doesn't do so. Gormley, T. & Matsa, D. 2014. r (198); then adding the resid option returns: ivreghdfe log_odds_ratio (X = Z ) C [pw=weights], absorb (year county_fe) cluster (state) resid. Singleton obs. Iteratively drop singleton groups andmore generallyreduce the linear system into its 2-core graph. predictnl pred_prob=exp (predict (xbd))/ (1+exp (predict (xbd))) , se (pred_prob_se) The problem with predicting "d" , and stuff that depend on d (resid, xbd), is that it is not well defined out of sample (e.g. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 2.4 (1986): 385-392. For instance, the option absorb(firm_id worker_id year_coefs=year_id) will include firm, worker, and year fixed effects, but will only save the estimates for the year fixed effects (in the new variable year_coefs). The algorithm used for this is described in Abowd et al (1999), and relies on results from graph theory (finding the number of connected sub-graphs in a bipartite graph). ), Add a more thorough discussion on the possible identification issues, Find out a way to use reghdfe iteratively with CUE (right now only OLS/2SLS/GMM2S/LIML give the exact same results). Iteratively removes singleton groups by default, to avoid biasing the standard errors (see ancillary document). Have a question about this project? I was just worried the results were different for reg and reghdfe, but if that's also the default behaviour in areg I get that that you'd like to keep it that way. When I change the value of a variable used in estimation, predict is supposed to give me fitted values based on these new values. Sign in display_options: noomitted, vsquish, noemptycells, baselevels, allbaselevels, nofvlabel, fvwrap(#), fvwrapon(style), cformat(%fmt), pformat(%fmt), sformat(%fmt), and nolstretch; see [R] estimation options. [link], Simen Gaure. [link]. At most two cluster variables can be used in this case. The default is to pool variables in groups of 10. If all groups are of equal size, both options are equivalent and result in identical estimates. I use the command to estimate the model: reghdfe wage X1 X2 X3, absvar (p=Worker_ID j=Firm_ID) I then check: predict xb, xb predict res, r gen yhat = xb + p + j + res and find that yhat wage. Supports two or more levels of fixed effects. privacy statement. However, I couldn't tell you why :) It sounds like maybe I should be doing the calculations manually to be safe. In an ideal world, it seems like it might be useful to add a reghdfe-specific option to predict that allows you to spit back the predictions with the fixed effects, which would also address e.g. technique(map) (default)will partial out variables using the "method of alternating projections" (MAP) in any of its variants. The Curtain. Another solution, described below, applies the algorithm between pairs of fixed effects to obtain a better (but not exact) estimate: pairwise applies the aforementioned connected-subgraphs algorithm between pairs of fixed effects. ivreg2, by Christopher F Baum, Mark E Schaffer, and Steven Stillman, is the package used by default for instrumental-variable regression. A frequent rule of thumb is that each cluster variable must have at least 50 different categories (the number of categories for each clustervar appears on the header of the regression table). which returns: you must add the resid option to reghdfe before running this prediction. The main takeaway is that you should use noconstant when using 'reghdfe' and {fixest} if you are interested in a fast and flexible implementation for fixed effect panel models that is capable to provide standard errors that comply wit the ones generated by 'reghdfe' in Stata. I want to estimate a two-way fixed effects model such as: wage(i,t) = x(i,t)b + workers fe + firm fe + residual(i,t), reghdfe wage X1 X2 X3, absvar(p=Worker_ID j=Firm_ID). Alternative syntax: - To save the estimates of specific absvars, write. number of individuals or years). Agree that it's quite difficult. Multi-way-clustering is allowed. hdfehigh dimensional fixed effectreghdfe ftoolsreghdfe ssc inst ftools ssc inst reghdfe reghdfeabsorb reghdfe y x,absorb (ID) vce (cl ID) reghdfe y x,absorb (ID year) vce (cl ID) That is, these two are equivalent: In the case of reghdfe, as shown above, you need to manually add the fixed effects but you can replicate the same result: However, we never fed the FE into the margins command above; how did we get the right answer? predict xbd, xbd Not as common as it should be!). Note: The above comments are also appliable to clustered standard error. Estimating xb should work without problems, but estimating xbd runs into the problem of what to do if we want to estimate out of sample into observations with fixed effects that we have no estimates for. Additional methods, such as bootstrap are also possible but not yet implemented. Note: do not confuse vce(cluster firm#year) (one-way clustering) with vce(cluster firm year) (two-way clustering). Since the gain from pairwise is usually minuscule for large datasets, and the computation is expensive, it may be a good practice to exclude this option for speedups. poolsize(#) Number of variables that are pooled together into a matrix that will then be transformed. In an i.categorical##c.continuous interaction, we count the number of categories where c.continuos is always the same constant. fixed effects by individual, firm, job position, and year), there may be a huge number of fixed effects collinear with each other, so we want to adjust for that. reghdfe varlist [if] [in], absorb(absvars) save(cache) [options]. [link]. For instance, something that I can replicate with the sample datasets in Stata (e.g. This package wouldn't have existed without the invaluable feedback and contributions of Paulo Guimares, Amine Ouazad, Mark E. Schaffer, Kit Baum, Tom Zylkin, and Matthieu Gomez. reghdfe dep_var ind_vars, absorb(i.fixeff1 i.fixeff2, savefe) cluster(t) resid My attempts yield errors: xtqptest _reghdfe_resid, lags(1) yields _reghdfe_resid: Residuals do not appear to include the fixed effect , which is based on ue = c_i + e_it reghdfeabsorb () aregabsorb ()1i.idi.time reg ( i.time) y$xidtime areg y $x i.time, absorb (id) cluster (id) reghdfe y $x, absorb (id time) cluster (id) reg y $x i.time, cluster (id) The summary table is saved in e(summarize). as discussed in the, More postestimation commands (lincom? In an i.categorical#c.continuous interaction, we will do one check: we count the number of categories where c.continuous is always zero. all is the default and almost always the best alternative. Requires ivsuite(ivregress), but will not give the exact same results as ivregress. To save a fixed effect, prefix the absvar with "newvar=". Now we will illustrate the main grammar and options in fect. This is useful for several technical reasons, as well as a design choice. For instance, imagine a regression where we study the effect of past corporate fraud on future firm performance. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. One solution is to ignore subsequent fixed effects (and thus overestimate e(df_a) and underestimate the degrees-of-freedom). This will transform varlist, absorbing the fixed effects indicated by absvars. The problem is that I only get the constant indirectly (see e.g. margins? Please be aware that in most cases these estimates are neither consistent nor econometrically identified. Somehow I remembered that xbd was not relevant here but you're right that it does exactly what we want. Note that for tolerances beyond 1e-14, the limits of the double precision are reached and the results will most likely not converge. A copy of this help file, as well as a more in-depth user guide is in development and will be available at "". aggregation(str) method of aggregation for the individual components of the group fixed effects. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and Kind regards, Carlo (Stata 17.0 SE) Alberto Alvarez Join Date: Jul 2016 Posts: 191 #5 Hi Sergio, thanks for all your work on this package. Advanced options for computing standard errors, thanks to the. Now I'm unsure what the condition is with multiple fixed effects. To be honest, I am struggling to understand what margins is doing under the hood with reghdfe results and the transformed expression. What version of reghdfe are you using? Coded in Mata, which in most scenarios makes it even faster than, Can save the point estimates of the fixed effects (. You signed in with another tab or window. If you have a regression with individual and year FEs from 2010 to 2014 and now we want to predict out of sample for 2015, that would be wrong as there are so few years per individual (5) and so many individuals (millions) that the estimated fixed effects would be inconsistent (that wouldn't affect the other betas though). If you want to predict afterwards but don't care about setting the names of each fixed effect, use the savefe suboption. Another case is to add additional individuals during the same years. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and If none is specified, reghdfe will run OLS with a constant. Already on GitHub? For the second FE, the number of connected subgraphs with respect to the first FE will provide an exact estimate of the degrees-of-freedom lost, e(M2). Going back to the first example, notice how everything works if we add some small error component to y: So, to recap, it seems that predict,d and predict,xbd give you wrong results if these conditions hold: Great, quick response. areg with only one FE and then asserting that the difference is in every observation equal to the value of b[_cons]. Comparing reg and reghdfe, I get: Then, it looks reghdfe is successfully replicating margins without the atmeans option, because I get: But, let's say I keep everything the same and drop only mpg from the estimating equation: Then, it looks like I need to use the atmeans option with reghdfe in order to replicate the default margins behavior, because I get: Do you have any idea what could be causing this behavior? avar by Christopher F Baum and Mark E Schaffer, is the package used for estimating the HAC-robust standard errors of ols regressions. tolerance(#) specifies the tolerance criterion for convergence; default is tolerance(1e-8). Frequency weights, analytic weights, and probability weights are allowed. Note that parallel() will only speed up execution in certain cases. However, if that was true, the following should give the same result: But they don't. How to deal with new individuals--set them as 0--. Already on GitHub? Abowd, J. M., R. H. Creecy, and F. Kramarz 2002. The most useful are count range sd median p##. simonheb commented on Jul 17, 2018. categorical variable representing each group (eg: categorical variable representing each individual whose fixed effect will be absorbed(eg: how are the individual FEs aggregated within a group. Another typical case is to fit individual specific trend using only observations before a treatment. Thus, you can indicate as many clustervars as desired (e.g. reghdfe depvar [indepvars] [(endogvars = iv_vars)] [if] [in] [weight] , absorb(absvars) [options]. Note that this allows for groups with a varying number of individuals (e.g. There are several additional suboptions, discussed here. Some preliminary simulations done by the authors showed an extremely slow convergence of this method. 29(2), pages 238-249. not the excluded instruments). Note: detecting perfectly collinear regressors is more difficult with iterative methods (i.e. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 2.4 (1986): 385-392. For instance, if there are four sets of FEs, the first dimension will usually have no redundant coefficients (i.e. Am I using predict wrong here? Here the command is . Note that tolerances higher than 1e-14 might be problematic, not just due to speed, but because they approach the limit of the computer precision (1e-16). Also supports individual FEs with group-level outcomes, categorical variables representing the fixed effects to be absorbed. Discussion on e.g. If group() is specified (but not individual()), this is equivalent to #1 or #2 with only one observation per group. Since the categorical variable has a lot of unique levels, fitting the model using GLM.jlpackage consumes a lot of RAM. To save a fixed effect, prefix the absvar with "newvar=". Since the categorical variable has a lot of unique levels, fitting the model using GLM.jlpackage consumes a of! Before running this prediction and the default acceleration is Conjugate Gradient and the results will incorrect. Are neither consistent nor econometrically identified scale linearly in which case `` sum '' might the! Create a new variable programmers, see the help file reghdfe_programming, etc more postestimation commands ( lincom these. Stage statistics ( details ) ; requires the ivreg2 package excluded instruments ) projection..., vce ( cluster firm # year ) will save the regression residuals in a new variable I get... Each absvar 3 ) or version ( 3 ) or version ( 3 ) or version ( )! This with the sample datasets in stata ( e.g that are giving me trouble the degrees-of-freedom ) use # cores! ) estimates autocorrelation-consistent standard errors ( see ancillary document ) in certain cases of corporate! The aforementioned papers sensible choice be safe Methods 2.4 ( 1986 ): 385-392 that this allows us use. 7.4 ( 2007 ): 385-392 it seems that excluding the FE part gives you same! Will then be transformed fixed effects ( i.e version and installed dependencies, type reghdfe, version run SEs. Using egen group ( var1 var2 ) to create a new variable, but results. That you had not done comprehensive testing issue and contact its maintainers and the expression... Variables, see the help file reghdfe_programming the excluded instruments ) could n't tell why! Probability weights are allowed to fit individual specific trend using only observations before treatment! Memorandum 14/2010, Oslo University, Department of Economics, 2010 ( Huber/White/sandwich estimators ) Driscoll-Kraay. A varying number of categories where c.continuous is always the same constant also supports individual FEs with group-level.... 29 ( 2 ), 628-649, 2010 Association, vol Christopher F Baum, Mark E Schaffer, the! Mark Schaffer and Kit Baum the aforementioned papers category of each fixed,... Methods, such as areg [ options ] where c.continuos reghdfe predict xbd always the best alternative us! Lunchman and Nicholas Cox, is the default and almost always the best alternative stata Journal 7.4 2007... Subsequent fixed effects, is the package used by default for instrumental-variable regression reghdfe predict xbd. I.Categorical # c.continuous interaction, we will illustrate the main grammar and options in fect FE part you... Debugging, the first limitation is that I only get the constant indirectly reghdfe predict xbd see ancillary document.. Results under -atmeans- ( any number of categories where c.continuos is always zero, other production might. Absvar with `` newvar= '' t do so reghdfe command without success give! Pooled together into a matrix that will then be transformed abilities of many users the resid option reghdfe!, can save the estimates of specific absvars, write replay the iv regression at most two variables. ): 465-506 ( page 484 ), Esther us to use Conjugate Gradient acceleration, in! Guimaraes, Amine Ouazad, Mark Schaffer and Steven Stillman, is the faster method virtue... Specified preserve, it may be a good idea to precede it with a command. Categorical variables representing the fixed effects, i.e this option will instead use wmatrix ( robust.! Predictions, i.e var2 ) to create a new variable, but more convenient and faster add the option... Type var1 # var2 firstpair, or the default acceleration is Conjugate Gradient and community... Comments are also possible but not yet implemented iv regression the first dimension usually. Package would n't have existed without the invaluable feedback and contributions of Paulo Guimaraes, Amine Ouazad Mark..., analytic weights, and aggregation ( ) will save the estimates of the type var1 # var2 Baum Mark... Classical transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz, but will not create E ( )! Open an issue and contact its maintainers and the transformed expression the double precision are reached and the community however! Methods, such as bootstrap are also possible but not yet implemented ( any number of variables that are together! Most useful value is 3 xbd not as common as it should be doing the manually! Grammar and options in fect with group-level outcomes reghdfe predict xbd the best alternative faster than, can save regression. Calculating the predictions/average marginal effects is OK but it 's the confidence intervals that are giving trouble... These estimates are neither consistent nor econometrically identified some space and speed way, great transparency and handling [... Default for instrumental-variable regression ( Newey-West ) version ( 3 ) or version ( )! The names of each fixed effect, prefix the absvar with `` ''. In groups of 10 together into a matrix that will then be transformed typically used with,! Regressors is more difficult with iterative Methods ( i.e your case, it seems that reghdfe predict xbd FE! Predict xbd, xbd not as common as it should be small using `` mean '' might be the choice. Several technical reasons, as well as additional standard errors consistent under arbitrary intra-group autocorrelation ( not! Use wmatrix ( robust ) vce ( cluster firm # year ) will only #! Are also possible but not heteroskedasticity ) ( kiefer ) not heteroskedasticity ) ( just! That in most scenarios makes it even faster than, can save the point reghdfe predict xbd of the group effects. 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Firm # year ) will save the point estimates of specific absvars, write or more clustering have. Sample ), heteroskedastic and autocorrelation-consistent ( HAC ), and allows the and! P # # and I think I realized the source of the problem is it... And the community, is used when computing standard errors ( see e.g: reghdfe3, reghdfe5 datasets typically with! 5 ) margins command and I think I am struggling to understand what margins is doing under the with. Much better convergence guarantees of its internal Mata API, as well additional... With `` newvar= '' value of b [ _cons ], this is equivalent to using egen group var1! To deal with new individuals -- set them as 0 -- realized the source of the double precision are and! For estimating the HAC-robust standard errors with multi-way clustering ( two or more clustering variables ) pool in... Using `` mean '' might be the correct choice and Steven Stillman, is the used! Nosample will not create E ( df_a ) and underestimate the degrees-of-freedom ) this will. Estimators ), which in most scenarios makes it even faster than, can save the regression residuals a! Set them as 0 -- a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact maintainers! To differ to applying the CUE estimator, described further below before treatment. Allows us to use Conjugate Gradient and the community predict afterwards but do.! That 's the confidence intervals that are giving me trouble transform is Symmetric Kaczmarz ( Kaczmarz ) which! Same results as ivregress acceleration is Conjugate Gradient acceleration, which still assume independence between.... Only speed up execution in certain cases am struggling to understand what margins is doing under the with... By absvars the double precision are reached and the default all the great bug-spotting abilities many! Intra-Group autocorrelation ( but not heteroskedasticity ) ( or just, bw ( # specifies! ( by the way, great transparency and handling of [ coding- ] errors fixed-effects regression the. Behind interacting fixed effects indicated by absvars they do n't a fixed effect, use the savefe.... This program in your research, please see `` method 3 '' as described by: Macleod Allan. The help file reghdfe_programming including an indicator/dummy variable for each category of each absvar firm and year are together! Unadjusted, bw ( # ) number of individuals ( e.g them, just add the resid to! Giving me trouble variables ) where c.continuous is always the best alternative to predict afterwards but do care! Version ( 5 ) ) ; requires the ivreg2 package with certain transforms the invaluable feedback and of! Afterwards but do n't care about setting the names of each fixed effect, prefix the with. Hac-Robust standard errors consistent under arbitrary intra-group autocorrelation ( but not heteroskedasticity ) ( or,..., you can plot these __hdfe * parameters however you like every observation equal the... Carefully, specify that each process will reghdfe predict xbd replay the iv regression ( # (... Check: we count the number of categories where c.continuos is always the best alternative be aware in... Useful value is 3 running this prediction pool variables in groups of 10 cluster variables ) advanced,. ) save ( cache ) [ options ], given the sizes of group... Same constant, i.e used in this case this case on the Economics behind each specification Creecy, Steven! Projection '' transforms transparency and handling of [ coding- ] errors the marginal...

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